Travaux scientifiques
Articles publiés:
Fadila Amraoui, Ghazi Krida, Ali Bouattour, Adel Rhim, Jabeur Daaboub, Zoubir
Harrat, Said-Chawki Boubidi, Mhamed Tijane, Mhammed Sarih, Anna-Bella Failloux
(2012). Culex pipiens, an experimental efficient vector of West Nile and Rift valley
fever viruses in the Maghreb region. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36757.
Fadila Amraoui, Mhamed Tijane, Mhammed Sarih, Anna-Bella Failloux (2012).
Molecular evidence of Culex pipiens form molestus and hybrids pipiens/molestus in
Morocco, North Africa. Parasites & Vectors 5: 83.
Fadila Amraoui, Ali Bouattour, Ghazi Krida, Zoubir Harrat, Said Boubidi, Mhamed
Tijane, Mhammed Sarih, Anna-Bella Failloux. Vector competence of Culex pipiens for
West Nile and Rift Valley Fever viruses in the Maghreb region. 8-10 novembre 2011.
Institut Pasteur International Network Meeting (Paris, France). Commented Poster.
Fadila Amraoui, Ali Bouattour, Ghazi Krida, Zoubir Harrat, Said Boubidi, Mhamed
Tijane, Mhammed Sarih, Anna-Bella Failloux. Vector competence of Culex pipiens for
West Nile and Rift Valley Fever viruses in the Maghreb region. 16-18 novembre
2011. Journées Départementales de Virologie de l’Institut Pasteur de Paris (Le
Touquet, France). Communication affichée.