This research paper is intended towards resolutions of empiric performance problematic
within ad Hoc Team-Project. This gets possible through the building of precise and
awareness raise of learning behaviors aligned with the Shön vision (1987) and the
Edmondson vision (1999a:353), in which reflecting stands for a great part.
To demonstrate that, we embody the management of these teams by mobilizing an
artifact call Coopilot. To test our non less than 9 assumptions and fill out the 3
identified gaps, we carry out an experimentation based on the « marshmallow
challenge ». Then we will, in terms of performance, compare our results in between 2
groups composed of 43 teams, one having the Coopilot and the other one not having it.
We will soon then, note that Ad Hoc teams, having the Coopilot, globally optimize by
29% their joint action performance. We will then submit a theoretical content to the
conducted observations in order to enrich both Schön theoretical studies (1983), and
Edmondson (1999a), in the field of Organizational learning. In the meantime, we will
also contribute upgrading the management practices in the field of « Strategy as
Practice » (Whittington, 2006, Rouleau, Allard-Poesi and Warnier, 2007).
This thesis demonstrates that by triggering team learning behavior where reflection
takes a central position, and by making sure of the constitution of a psychological safety
context, the optimization of the performance can be within the reach of any Ad Hoc
Keywords : Performance, Learning Behavior, Psychological safety, Ad Hoc Team-
Project, Organizational Learning, Strategy As Practice