Ex.) Je n’ai attendu personne après l’école. I didn’t wait for anyone (I waited for no one)
after school.
Elle n’a trouvé son manteau nulle part. She didn’t find her coat anywhere (She found
her coat no where).
Also, for ne…que= only, “que” goes before the noun you are restricting.
Ex. I spoke only to the teacher. Je n’ai parlé qu’au professeur.
Après is followed by the “infinitif passé,” when the same subject is used in both clauses
of the sentence. To form the “infinitif passé”: (Pronom object) + Avoir/Etre +
participe passé. Add any agreement necessary to the part. passé.
Ex) Après avoir trouvé mes lunettes, j’ai lu les nouvelles.
Après les avoir trouvées, j’ai lu les nouvelles.
A. Pour les phrases qui commencent par “non,” faites une phrase avec
ne…pas. Ajoutez les adverbes en italiques si nécessaire.
1. to be able to=_____________________;vous____________________
2. to want=______________________; ils________________________
3. to have to/must=_____________________; nous_________________
4. to have=_________________; non, elle ______________________
5. to have food/drink= _________________; j’____________________
6. to drink= _________________; j’_________________________ (too
7. to drive= ___________________; j’ _________________ (prudently)
8. to put =___________________; on__________________________
9. to do, make= __________________; ils________________________
10. to be= _____________________; non, tu_______________________
11. to be pleasing to= (plaire) ; Le film _________________ à la classe.
12. to read=_____________________; vous_____________________
13. to receive= ___________________ ; j’_______________________
14. to know a person/place= _________________; vous______________
15. to know a fact= _________________; ils_______________________
16. to write= _____________________; non, tu ___________________
17. to say, tell= __________________; Non, nous ___________________
18. to open= ______________________; j’________________________
19. to turn off= ___________________; vous______________________
20. to follow = ___________________; elle ______________________
21. to hold (comme venir)= ____________; j’_____________________
22. to run= _______________________; elles __________________
23. to live (not habiter)____________ ; il _______________________
24. to offer= __________________; j’_________________________
25. to conquer=________________; on __________________ Rome.