en 1921 à Baltimore. Entre à Princeton en 1939. Interrompt ses études.
Part pour l’armée et participe aux opérations dans le Pacifique. Doctorat de
philosophie en 1949. Professeur à la Cornell University, puis au Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, et de 1959 à 1991 à Harvard. Mort le 2002 le 26
novembre 2002.
1) Ouvrages et articles de Rawls (une sélection) en anglais
A Study in the Grounds of Ethical Knowledge: Considered with Reference
to Judgments on the Moral Worth of Character ”, Princeton University, 1950.
Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics”, Philosophical Review (April
1951), 60 (2), p. 177-197.
Two Concepts of Rules ”, Philosophical Review (January 1955), 64 (1), p.
Justice as Fairness ”, Journal of Philosophy (October 24, 1957), 54 (22), p.
Constitutional Liberty and the Concept of Justice.”, Nomos, VI: Justice, p.
98-125, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy,
New York, Atherton Press, 1963.
The Sense of Justice ”, Philosophical Review (July 1963), 72 (3), p.
Legal Obligation and the Duty of Fair Play ”, Law and Philosophy: A
Symposium, p. 3-18, New York University Press, 1964.
Distributive Justice ”, Philosophy, Politics, and Society. Third Series, p.
58-82, London, Blackwell ; New York, Barnes & Noble, 1967.
Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics ”, Ethics, p. 48-70. New York ,
Harper & Row, 1969.
The Justification of Civil Disobedience ”, Civil Disobedience: Theory and
Practice, p. 240-255. New York, Pegasus Books, 1969.
Justice as Reciprocity ”, Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill: With Critical
Essays, p. 242-268, New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 1971.
A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, 1971. A Theory of Justice, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1972.
Punishment as a Practice ”, Punishment and Rehabilitation, p. 83-91.
Belmont, California, Wadsworth, 1973.
Some Reasons for the Maximin Criterion ”, American Economic Review
(May 1974), 64 (2), p. 141-146.
Fairness to Goodness ”, Philosophical Review (October 1975), 84 (4),p.
The Independence of Moral Theory ”, Proceedings and Addresses of the
American Philosophical Association (November 1975).
A Kantian Conception of Equality ”, Cambridge Review [London]
(February 1975), 96 (2225), p. 94-99.
Justice as Reciprocity ”, Moral Problems in Medicine, p. 443-454.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
The Basic Structure as Subject ”, American Philosophical Quarterly
(April 1977), 14 (2), p. 159-165.
The Basic Structure as Subject ”, Values and Morals: Essays in Honor of
William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard B. Brandt, p. 47-71,
Dordrecht, Holland & Boston, Reidel, 1978.
The Concept of Justice in Political Economy ”, Philosophy and Economic
Theory, p. 164-169. Oxford Readings in Philosophy, Oxford & New York,
Oxford University Press, 1979.
Constitutional Liberty and the Concept of Justice ”, Rights, p. 26-45.
Belmont, California, Wadsworth, 1979.
Economic Systems ”, Ethical Theory and Business, p. 57-63. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
An Egalitarian Theory of Justice ”, Ethical Theory and Business, p. 35-42.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1979.
A Well-Ordered Society ”, Philosophy, Politics and Society. 5th Series, p.
6-20. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press ; Oxford, Blackwell, 1979.
Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory ”, Journal of Philosophy
(September 1980), 77 (9), p. 515-572.
Punishment ”, Philosophy of Law, 2d ed., p. 577-581, Belmont,
California, Wadsworth, 1980.
Justice as Reciprocity ”, Choice and Action: An Introduction to Ethics, p.
292-323, New York, Macmillan ; London, Collier-Macmillan, 1981.
The Basic Liberties and Their Priority ”, The Tanner Lectures on Human
Values, III (1982), p. 1-87. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press ; Cambridge
University Press, 1982.
Social Unity and Primary Goods. ”, Utilitarianism and Beyond, p.
159-185, Cambridge University Press (Collected Papers, 1999)
Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical ”, Philosophy & Public
Affairs (Summer 1985), 14 3), p. 223-251.
The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus ”, Oxford Journal for Legal Studies
(Spring 1987), 7 (1), p. 1-25.
Classical Utilitarianism ”, Consequentialism and Its Critics, p. 4-19.
Oxford Readings in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus ”, New York
University Law Review (May 1989), 64 (2) , p. 233-255.
Themes in Kant's Moral Philosophy ”, Kant's Transcendental Deductions:
The Three Critiques and the Opus postumum , Stanford Series in Philosophy,
Studies in Kant and German Idealism, Stanford, California: Stanford University
Press, 1989.
Justice as Fairness: A restatement ”, Harvard University, Cambridge, 1990
Roderick Firth: His Life and Work ”, Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research (March 1991), 51 (1), p. 109-118.
The Law of Peoples ”,Critical Inquiry (Fall 1993), 20 (1), p. 36-68.
Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
Reconcilation through the Public Use of Reason ”, Journal of Philosophy
(March 1995), 92 (3), p. 132-180
Reply to Habermas, Columbia University Press, 1995
Collected Papers, 1999
Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, Harvard University Press,
2) Traductions françaises
La justice comme équité , tr. J.F. Spitz,Philosophie, n° 14, 1984
Théorie de la justice, tr. C. Audard Seuil, 1987
L'Idée d'un consensus par recoupement ”, tr. Alexis Tchoudnowsky Revue
de Métaphysique et de Morale, janvier-mars 1988, 93 (1), p. 3-32,
La Prioridu juste et les conceptions du Bien ”, tr. Alexis Tchoudnowsky
et Catherine Audard Archives de Philosophie du Droit (1988), 33, p. 39-59.
La Théorie de la justice comme équité: une théorie politique et non pas
métaphysique ”, Individu et justice sociale: Autour de John Rawls, Seuil, 1988
Les Libertés de base et leur priorité ”, Critique, juin-juillet 1989, 45
(505-506), p. 423-465.
Justice et démocratie, tr. sous la dir. de C. Audard, Seuil, 1993 (rassemble
les principaux articles de la période 1978-1989)
Libéralisme politique, tr. C. Audard, PUF, 1995
Débat sur la justice politique John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, tr. C.
Audard, R. Rochlitz, Cerf,1997
Le droit des gens, tr. B. Guillaume, Esprit, 1996 ; 10/18, 1998
L’indépendance de la Théorie morale (1974) repris dans Collected
Papers (1999) Cités, janvier 2001
Leçons sur l’histoire de la philosophie morale, tr. M. Saint-Upery et B.
Guillarme, La découverte, 2002
A paraître, la traduction de Justice as fairness: A restatement ”, La
3) Quelques articles et commentaires disponibles en français consacrés
à la pensée de Rawls
J.-P. Dupuy, Le libéralisme et la question de la justice sociale, CREA-Ecole
polytechnique, 1984
L'âge de la science, n° 1, Ethique et philosophie politique, 1988
C. Audard (et al.) Individu et justice sociale, Autour de J. Rawls, Seuil, 1988
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 1988, 1, John Rawls, le
Critique, vol. 505-506, “ John Rawls, Justice et libertés ”,1989
J.F. Kervegan, Y-a-t-il une philosophie libérale ? Remarques sur les
œuvres de J. Rawls et F. von Hayek ”, Rue Descartes/3, 1992
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