La grammaire de l’unité 2B-
1- le verbe ‘AVOIR’
The verb ‘AVOIR’ means ‘TO HAVE’.
It is an irregular verb. You must memorize the conjugated forms.
J’ai- I have Nous avons- we have
Tu as- you have Vous avez- you(all) have
Il a- he/it has Ils ont- they have
Elle a- she/it has Elles ont- they have
On a- one/’people’ have/’we’ have
There are many common expressions in French that use the verb ‘avoir’
Avoir.......ans- to be…….years old
Avoir besoin (de)- to need
Avoir de la chance- to be lucky
Avoir envie (de)- to feel like (to be in the mood for)
Avoir honte (de)- to be ashamed (of)
Avoir l’air- to look like/ to seem
Avoir peur (de)- to be afraid (of)
Avoir raison- to be right
Avoir tort- to be wrong
Avoir sommeil- to be sleepy
Avoir chaud- to be hot
Avoir froid- to be cold