Word; Excel; Power Point, Internet, Logiciel statistique (SPSS)
- Communications par Affiche
Belhassen H ., Lecoeur S et Hdhili A. Etude du transfert intestinal (culture in
vitro) des aflatoxines et de la zéaralénone ( B1,B2,G1,G2 et ZEN ) en association ,
en comparaison des molécules isolés. 22 ème forum international des sciences
biologiques organisé le 28-31 Mars 2011
Molina-Molina JM, Belhassen H, Arrebola JP, Real M, Fernández MF, Olea
N.Actividad antiandrogénica de zearalenona y otros micoestrógenos ,2XII
Congreso Español de Salud Ambiental y VIII Conferencia Nacional de Disruptores
Endocrinos, GRANADA 12,13 y 14 DE JUNIO DE 2013
- Publications
H. Belhassen, I. Jiménez-Díaz, R.Ghali, H.Boussen2J.M. Molina-Molina, N. Olea, A.
Hedili. Determination of zearalenone and its metabolites w in urine by HPLC /MS-
MS. Journal of Chromatography B, 962 (2014) 68–74
H. Belhassen , I. Jimenez-Diaz , J.P. Arrebola , R. Ghali , H. Ghorbel , N. Olea ,
A. Hedili. Zearalenone and its metabolites in urine and breast cancer risk: A case-
control study in Tunisia. Chemosphere 128 (2015) 1–6
JP. Arrebola , H. Belhassen , F. Artacho-Cordón , R. Ghali , H. Ghorbel ,H
Boussen , FM. Perez-Carrascosa , J. Expósitoa, A. Hedhili , N.Olea. Risk of
female breast cancer and serumconcentrations of organochlorine pesticides and
polychlorinated biphenyls: A case–control study in Tunisia. Science of the Total
Environment 520 (2015) 106–113
F. Artacho-Cordón ,H. Belhassen, J.P.Arrebola, R.Ghali, D. Amira, I. Jiménez-
Díaz, R. Pérez-Lobato,H.Boussen, A.Hedili N. Olea. Serum levels of persistent
organic pollutants and predictors of exposurein Tunisian women. Science of the
Total Environment 511 (2015) 530–534
JM. Molina-Molina, M. Real, I. Jimenez-Diaz, H. Belhassen, A. Hedhili, P.Torne,
MF. Fernandez, N. Olea. Assessment of estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities
of them mycotoxin zearalenone and its metabolites using in vitro receptor-specific
bioassays. Food and Chemical Toxicology 74 (2014) 233–239