Nom : _______________________________________
Date : _______________________________________
1. Vocabulaire:
1) un changement : a change
2) un problème (m) : a problem
3) une ville = a town; la cité = the ghetto
4) une chose (f) = a thing; quelque chose = something
5) se rendre compte = to realize
6) un exemple = an example
7) la nourriture = food
8) une association = a charity
9) une personne (f) = a person ; des gens = people
10) un endroit = a place; une place = a plaza, a public square
11) un but = a goal, a point
12) exprimer = to express
13) l’issue = the exit; le sujet / le problème / la question= the issue
14) les sentiments = feelings / thoughts
15) tout le temps (singular) = all the time
16) se demander = to wonder
17) ce que = what (when used in the middle of a sentence)
a. For example, he realized there was an issue in his city when he saw people asking for
food in the town square all the time.
b. He wondered what he could do.
c. So, he decided to write a letter to a charity to express his thoughts and to ask them to
do something.