Year 10 Coursework Suis-je en forme ? (Am I fit ?)
What should you do to stay in shape ?
Pour etre en forme il faut…
Also use il ne faut pas and tu dois/tu ne dois pas
Mention eating habits, exercise, smoking, drinking and going to bed early
Paragraph 2 Answer the questions on questionnaire p37
What do YOU do(or not do) to stay in shape ?
Present tense phrases
When possible extend your sentences to say where, why, who with, how long
for and when
Use linking words- et (and) aussi(also) mais (but) parce que (because) ou (or)
puis (then)
Ensure you include some past tense where possible
Say when
Then refer to some exercise you did or something you ate or drank
J’ai joué - I played
J’ai mangé - I ate
J’ai fait _ I did
J’ai bu _ I drank
J’ai arreté de fumer il y a 1 an - I stopped smoking a year ago.
C’était + adjective - It was
Paragraph 3
Future plans and conclusion
Pour rester en forme je vais + infinitive - To stay in shape I’m going to…
Je vais essayer - I’m going to try
Je vais arreter – I’m going to stop
Je vais continuer – I’m going to continue
Je pense que – I think that
Je crois que – I believe that
Je suis en forme – I am in shape
Useful phrases
Les légumes/fruits contiennent beaucoup de vitamines – Veg and fruit contain
lots of vitamins
C’est bon pour la santé - It’s good for your health
Je suis (assez/très) sportif/ sportive - I am (quite/very) sporty
Le tabac donne le cancer - Tobacco gives you cancer
Quand je peux - When I can
Ca fait grossir - It makes you fat
Il y a trop de calories - There are too many calories
Je mange assez sainement – I eat quite healthily
Dans l’ensemble, je crois que je (ne) suis (pas) en forme – On the whole I
think that I am (not) in shape