Passive - Anglais

Accueil > Grammaire > Verbes > Passive
Le Passif est la voix, qui, au contraire de l'actif, permet de mettre en sujet l'élément qui subit l'action du
verbe. Il se forme avec l'auxiliaire 'be' et le participe passé du verbe. Celui qui fait l'action peut être indiqué
par un complément d'agent introduit par 'by' :
Nature is polluted (by man). La nature est polluée (par l'homme).
Conjugaison : Le passif se conjugue avec l'auxiliaire be conjugué + le verbe au participe passé. Il peut donc
s'employer à tous les temps, et aussi après les auxiliaires modaux.
Was nature so polluted in the past? = La nature était-elle si polluée dans le passé ?
Nature has not been polluted here. = La nature n'a pas été polluée ici.
Nature is being polluted here. = La nature est en train d'être polluée ici.
Nature will be more polluted in the future. = La nature sera plus polluée à l'avenir.
Nature would be less polluted, if we were careful. = La nature serait moins polluée, si nous faisions attention.
They want not to be polluted. = Ils veulent ne pas être pollués.
Being polluted is not inevitable. = Etre pollué n'est pas inévitable.
Le passif est plus utilisé en anglais qu'en français, car non seulement il traduit le passif français, mais aussi
beaucoup de structures qu'on ne traduira souvent en français que par une voix active commençant par "on",
ou employant un verbe pronominal.
Par exemple, en anglais, au contraire du français, un verbe suivi d'une préposition peut se conjuguer au passif :
He is often talked to. = On lui parle souvent.
Beaucoup de verbes pronominaux français se traduiront par un passif anglais:
I am called Nancy. = Je m'appelle Nancy.
Passive is more often used in English. = Le passif s'emploie plus souvent en anglais.
Avec les verbes qui, à l'actif, peuvent être suivis de deux compléments, le sujet de la phrase passive sera
plutôt l'objet indirect que l'objet direct, au contraire du français.
Phrase active : Peter gave Mary this book. = Peter donna à Mary ce livre.
Phrase passive à partir de l'objet indirect: Mary was given this book by Peter. (Il n'existe pas de traduction
littérale en français : Mary a reçu ce livre de Peter.)
Phrase passive à partir de l'objet direct: This book was given to Mary by Peter. = Ce livre fut donné à Mary
par Peter. (forme bien plus rare en anglais).
Autres emplois :
Tell something to someone (dire quelquechose à quelqu'un): Mary was told this story. On raconté cette histoire à
Show something to someone (montrer quelquechose à quelqu'un): Mary was shown the solution. On montra la
solution à Mary.
Send something to someone (envoyer quelquechose à quelqu'un): Mary was sent a letter. On envoya une lettre à
Forgive someone for something (Pardonner quelquechose à quelqu'un): Mary was forgiven for her mistakes. On
pardonna ses erreurs à Mary.
Lend something to someone (prêter quelquechose à quelqu'un): Mary was lent a pen. On prêta un stylo à Mary.
De même, une grande partie des verbes suivis d'une proposition en to + V :
ask : Mary was asked to do this. On demanda à Mary de faire ceci.
tell: Mary was told to do this. On dit a Mary de faire ceci.
expect: Mary was expected to do this. On s'attendait à ce que Mary fasse ceci.
teach: Mary was taught to do this. On apprit à Mary à faire ceci.
make: Mary was made to do this. On fit faire ceci à Mary. (voir la traduction de faire faire)
see: Mary was seen to do this. On vit Mary faire ceci.
hear: Mary was heard to do this. On entendit Mary faire ceci.
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive:
1.Many animals (protect)
(1)___________________ by Greenpeace.
2.(paper recycle) (2)_______________________
in France?
3.Lead-free petrol (not use)
(3)___________________ by many drivers.
4.Many elephants (kill) (4)___________________
in Africa every year.
5.A lot of species (massacre)
(5)_____________________________ since 1900.
6.The damage (never pay)
(6)_________________________ by the polluter.
7.Too much litter (dump)
(7)___________________________ here in 1970.
8.These creams (test) (8)___________________
____________________on animals in the past.
9.(this hole - dig) (9)_______________________
by my dog last week?
10.The horses (not ride) (10)_______________
_______________________ yesterday.
2. Compléter le paragraphe en mettant le verbe au
passif et au bon temps (utiliser des formes pleines):
This building is Barford Hall.
It (1)____________________ (build) in 1827 and
today it (2)____________________ (regard) as the
finest Georgian building in the country.
A number of changes (3)____________________
(make) since it (4)____________________ (build),
but the front of the building
(5)____________________ (not change).
Today the Hall (6)____________________ (own)
by Bardale Council, and for the last ten years it
(7)____________________ (use) as a home for
Bardford Arts Centre.
At the moment a smart art gallery
(8)____________________ (build) behind the
7. Translate the sentences using the passive.
1- On l'a trouvé dans le jardin.
It ____________________________________.
2- On lui dira.
He _________________________________.
3-On m'a donné une montre.
______________________________ a watch.
4- On parle anglais ici.
_____________________________ here.
5- On a donné une radio à Paul.
Paul ____________________________________.
6- On vous montrera la lettre.
_________________________________ the letter.
7- On leur a prêté de l'argent.
8- Cette pièce a été écrite par Bernard Shaw.
This play _________________________________
Bernard Shaw.
9- Il a été renversé par une voiture.
10- Le nouvel hôpital sera inauguré par la reine.
(open) ___________________________________.
11- On lui a envoyé un télégramme de la part de la
reine. ____________________________________
______________________on behalf of the Queen.
12- On lui a montré plus d'appartements.
_______________________________ more flats.
13- On dira toute la vérité à Julie.
___________________________ the whole truth.
14- On lui a demandé de chanter.
He _____________________________________ .
15- On m'a dit de me taire.
_______________________________ to shut up.
8. Translate the sentences using the passive.
1- On nous attend à 8h.
2- On m'a donné ce billet.
3- On ne l'a pas vu partir.
4- On vous autorise à conduire.
5- On parle anglais ici.
6- On considère Joan Baez comme une chanteuse
7- Cette lettre aurait dû être postée hier.
8- Un hôpital est en cours de construction près du
9- Donnera-t-on des fleurs à Sheila pour son
anniversaire? _____________________________
10- On sait que les infirmières sont mal payées.
11- On a dû l'emmener au commissariat de police.(
forte supposition)
12- On le dit malade.
13- On avait pénétré par effraction dans la maison.
14- Il se peut qu'on l'ait kidnappée.
15- Il est demandé aux visiteurs de ne pas toucher les
tableaux. _____________________________________
_____________________________the paintings.
3.Mettre ces phrases au passif.
1- Lots of people visit the Statue of Liberty.
2- Ferries bring visitors to the island.
3- Everybody knows the famous statue. (3)_____________________________________.
4- Bartholdi designed the Statue. (4)______________________________________.
5- Eiffel built it. (5)______________________________________.
6- Many people have seen the Statue.
7- Doctors told immigrants if they could enter the country. (7)_______________________________
________________ if they could enter the country.
4. Mettre ces phrases au passif. (Ne pas indiquer le complément d'agent introduit par "by")
1- Someone has cut out the words out of the Times.
2- A man followed Dr. Watson.
_____________________________________________ .
3- Sir Charles left a lot of money to Sir Henry.
_____________________________________________ .
4- Dr. Mortimer brought Sir Henry to Sherlock Holmes's place.
5- Holmes asked him lots of questions.
6- The police arrested the suspect.
5. Rewrite the following paragraph focusing on the places damaged by tourism. Make them the subject of
each sentence:
Six million people visited Hawaï last year.
______________________________________________________last year.
You can no longer find deserted beaches there.
______________________________________________________no longer
People have transformed the footpaths in the Lake District into trenches.
______________________________________________________in the Lake District
The breath and body heat of the visitors are damaging the frescos of the Sistine Chapel.
The tourists'feet will have completely eroded the floor of Notre Dame in a few decades.
_______________________________________by the tourists' feet in a few decades.
6. Put these sentences into the passive if possible, or into the active. Use the simple past.
1- the American colonies - rule - Britain
2- the colonies - win - their independence - 1783
3- Washington - become - president - 1789
4- Louisiana - buy - from France
5- gold - discover - California
6- the Civil War - win - the North
7- Black people - want - equal rights
8- Kennedy - shoot - 1963
A hospital is being built near the parc English is spoken here He hasn't been seen leaving He is said to be
ill He must have been taken to the police station I've been given this ticket Joan Baez is thought to be a
fantastic singer Nurses are known to be badly paid She may have been kidnapped The house had been
broken into This letter should have been posted yesterday Visitors are asked not to touch We're expected
at 8 Will Sheila be given some flowers for her birthday You're allowed to drive
Translate these sentences into English:
Traduire ces phrases en mettant le verbe au passif.
1- On nous attend à 8h.
We're expected at 8.
2- On m'a donné ce billet.
I've been given this ticket.
3- On ne l'a pas vu partir.
He hasn't been seen leaving.
4- On vous autorise à conduire.
You're allowed to drive.
5- On parle anglais ici.
English is spoken here.
6- On considère Joan Baez comme une chanteuse formidable.
Joan Baez is thought to be a fantastic singer.
7- Cette lettre aurait dû être postée hier.
This letter should have been posted yesterday.
8- Un hôpital est en cours de construction près du parc.
A hospital is being built near the parc.
9- Donnera-t-on des fleur à Sheila pour son anniversaire?
Will Sheila be given some flowers for her birthday?
10- On sait que les infirmières sont mal payées.
Nurses are known to be badly paid.
11- On a dû l'emmener au commissariat de police.( forte supposition)
He must have been taken to the police station.
12- On le dit malade.
He is said to be ill.
13- On avait pénétré par effraction dans la maison.
The house had been broken into.
14- Il se peut qu'on l'ait kidnappée.
She may have been kidnapped.
15- Il est demandé aux visiteurs de ne pas toucher les tableaux.
Visitors are asked not to touch the paintings .
English is spoken has been found in the garden has been given a radio He has been run down by a car
He has been sent a telegram He has been shown I've been given I've been told Julie will be told 's been
asked to sing The new hospital will be opened by the Queen They've been lent some money was written
by will be told You'll be shown
1- On l'a trouvé dans le jardin.
It has been found in the garden.
2- On lui dira.
He will be told.
3-On m'a donné une montre.
I've been given a watch.
4- On parle anglais ici.
English is spoken here.
5- On a donné une radio à Paul.
Paul has been given a radio.
6- On vous montrera la lettre.
You'll be shown the letter.
7- On leur a prêté de l'argent.
They've been lent some money.
8- Cette pièce a été écrite par Bernard Shaw.
This play was written by Bernard Shaw.
9- Il a été renversé par une voiture.
He has been run down by a car.
10- Le nouvel hôpital sera inauguré par la reine. (to open )
The new hospital will be opened by the Queen.
11- On lui a envoyé un télégramme de la part de la reine.
He has been sent a telegram on behalf of the Queen.
12- On lui a montré plus d'appartements.
He has been shown more flats.
13- On dira toute la vérité à Julie.
Julie will be told the whole truth.
14- On lui a demandé de chanter.
He 's been asked to sing .
15- On m'a dit de me taire.
I've been told to shut up.
Black people wanted equal rights Gold was discovered in California Kennedy was shot in 1963
Louisiana was bought from France The American colonies were ruled by Britain The Civil War was won
by the North The colonies won their independence in 1783 Washington became president in 1789
Passive or active ?
Put these sentences into the passive if possible, or into the active. Use the simple past.
1- the American colonies - rule - Britain
The American colonies were ruled by Britain.
2- the colonies - win - their independence - 1783
The colonies won their independence in 1783.
3- Washington - become - president - 1789
Washington became president in 1789.
4- Louisiana - buy - from France
Louisiana was bought from France.
5- gold - discover - California
Gold was discovered in California.
6- the Civil War - win - the North
The Civil War was won by the North.
7- Black people - want - equal rights
Black people wanted equal rights.
8- Kennedy - shoot - 1963
Kennedy was shot in 1963.
be found Deserted beaches can eroded have been transformed into trenches Hawaï was visited by six
million people The floor of Notre Dame will have been The footpaths The frescos of the Sistine Chapel
are being damaged by the breath and body heat of the visitors
Rewrite the following paragraph focusing on the places damaged by tourism. Make them the subject of each
Six million people visited Hawaï last year.
Hawaï was visited by six million people last year.
You can no longer find deserted beaches there.
Deserted beaches can no longer be found there.
People have transformed the footpaths in the Lake District into trenches.
The footpaths in the Lake District have been transformed into trenches.
The breath and body heat of the visitors are damaging the frescos of the Sistine Chapel.
The frescos of the Sistine Chapel are being damaged by the breath and body heat of the visitors.
The tourists'feet will have completely eroded the floor of Notre Dame in a few decades.
The floor of Notre Dame will have been completely eroded by the tourists' feet in a few decades.
Dr. Watson was followed He was asked lots of questions Sir Henry was brought to Sherlock Holmes's
place Sir Henry was left a lot of money The suspect was arrested The words have been cut out of the
Mettre ces phrases au passif. (Ne pas indiquer le complément d'agent introduit par "by")
1- Someone has cut out the words out of the Times.
The words have been cut out of the Times.
2- A man followed Dr. Watson.
Dr. Watson was followed .
3- Sir Charles left a lot of money to Sir Henry.
Sir Henry was left a lot of money .
4- Dr. Mortimer brought Sir Henry to Sherlock Holmes's place.
Sir Henry was brought to Sherlock Holmes's place.
5- Holmes asked him lots of questions.
He was asked lots of questions.
6- The police arrested the suspect.
The suspect was arrested.
Immigrants were told by doctors It was built by Eiffel The famous statue is known by everybody The
Statue has been seen by many people The Statue of Liberty is visited by lots of people The Statue was
designed by Bartholdi Visitors are brought to the island by ferries
Mettre ces phrases au passif.
1- Lots of people visit the Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty is visited by lots of people.
2- Ferries bring visitors to the island.
Visitors are brought to the island by ferries.
3- Everybody knows the famous statue.
The famous statue is known by everybody.
4- Bartholdi designed the Statue.
The Statue was designed by Bartholdi.
5- Eiffel built it.
It was built by Eiffel.
6- Many people have seen the Statue.
The Statue has been seen by many people.
7- Doctors told immigrants if they could enter the country.
Immigrants were told by doctors if they could enter the country.
has been used has not been changed have been made is being built is owned is regarded was built
was built
Barford Hall
Compléter le paragraphe en mettant le verbe au passif et au bon temps (utiliser des formes pleines):
The building at the top of the High Street is Barford Hall.
It was built (build) in 1827 and today it is regarded (regard) as the finest Georgian building in the country.
A number of changes have been made (make) since it was built (build), but the front of the building has not
been changed (not change).
Today the Hall is owned (own) by Bardale Council, and for the last ten years it has been used (use) as a
home for Bardford Arts Centre.
At the moment a smart art gallery is being built (build) behind the Hall.
are killed are protected have been massacred is never paid is not used Is paper recycled was dumped
Was this hole dug were not ridden were tested
Put the verbs in brackets into the passive:
1.Many animals (protect) are protected by Greenpeace.
2.(paper recycle) Is paper recycled in France?
3.Lead-free petrol (not use) is not used by many drivers.
4.Many elephants (kill) are killed in Africa every year.
5.A lot of species (massacre) have been massacred since 1900.
6.The damage (never pay) is never paid by the polluter.
7.Too much litter (dump) was dumped here in 1970.
8.These creams (test) were tested on animals in the past.
9.(this hole - dig) Was this hole dug by my dog last week?
10.The horses (not ride) were not ridden yesterday.
Conjugaison de call au passif à l'affirmative (pour les autres formes, cliquer sur le titre du temps)
Simple Present
Present Perfect
Present Be + ing
I am called
I have been called
I am being called
he is called
he has been called
he is being called
we are called
we have been called
we are being called
you are called
you have been called
you are being called
they are called
they have been called
they are being called
Simple Past
Past Perfect
Past Be + ing
I was called
I had been called
I was being called
he was called
he had been called
he was being called
we were called
we had been called
we were being called
you were called
you had been called
you were being called
they were called
they had been called
they were being called
Simple Present :
Forme affirmative
Forme négative
Forme interrogative
complète contractée complète
I am
I'm called
I am not
I'm not called
am I called? am I not called? aren't I called?
he is
he's called
he is not
he isn't / he's not
is he not
is he called?
we are
we are not we aren't / we're are we
not called
are we not
aren't we
you are
you are not you aren't /
are you
you're not called called?
are you not
aren't you
they are
they are
they aren't /
are they not
aren't they
are they
nég. contractée
isn't he called?
not called
they're not
Simple Past :
Forme négative
I was called
I was not
I wasn't called
was I called?
was I not
wasn't I called?
he was called
he was not
he wasn't called
was he
was he not
wasn't he
we were called
we were not
we weren't
were we
were we not
weren't we
you were called
you were not
you weren't
were you
were you not
weren't you
they were called
they were not
they weren't
were they
were they not
weren't they
Forme interrogative
Present Perfect :
Forme affirmative
Forme négative
complète contractée complète
nég. contractée
I have
I've been
I have not
been called
I've not been called
Have I been
Haven't I been
he has
he's been
he has not
been called
he's not been called
Has he been
Hasn't he been
we have
we've been
we have not
been called
we've not been called
Have we been
Haven't we been
you have
you've been you have not you've not been
been called called
Have you been
Haven't you been
they have
they've been they have not they've not been
been called called
Have they been
Haven't they been
Present Be + ing :
Forme affirmative
Forme négative
contractée complète
contractée affirmative
I'm being I am not being I'm not being Am I being
I am being called
nég. contractée
Aren't I being
he is being called
he's being he is not being he's not
Is he being
being called called?
Isn't he being
we are being
we are not
being called
we're not
Are we being
being called called?
Aren't we being
you are being
you are not
being called
you're not
Are you being
being called called?
Aren't you being
they are being
they are not
being called
they're not
Are they being
being called called?
Aren't they being