Jules Bordet
Jules Bordet
Laboratory of Clinical 78
Cell Therapy
Experimental 80
Haematology Laboratory
Oncology 81
& Experimental Surgery
Breast Cancer 82
Translational Research
Laboratory Jean-Claude
Clinical Research Unit of 84
the Medical Oncology Clinic
Thoracic Oncology 86
Statistics & 87
Epidemiology Unit
Breast European Adjuvant 88
Studies Team
Breast International 89
Teaching 92
Seminars 93
Fellowships 93
Les Amis de 96
l‘Institut Bordet
Fonds Jean-Claude 97
Fonds Ariane 97
Notre Boutique 98
Les Tournesols 98
Proud of its past, 8
focused on the future
A Comprehensive 10
Cancer Centre
Facts & Figures 12
Screening 16
& Early Diagnosis
Support Centre 18
for Smokers
Environmental 19
Diagnostic Laboratories 22
Pathology 22
Cytogenetics 24
Clinical Biology 25
Imaging 26
Nuclear Medicine 28
Radiation Oncology 30
Surgery 32
Cervicofacial & Thoracic 32
Digestive 33
Bone & Connective Tissue 34
Oncoplasty 35
Breast & Gynaecolgy 36
Urology 37
Medicine 38
Medical Oncology 38
Haematology 40
Internal Medicine 42
Infectious Diseases 43
Day Hospital 44
Intensive Care 45
Anaesthesiology 46
& Postoperative Care
Nursing 47
Supportive Care 48
Psycho-Oncology 48
Pain Management 50
Palliative & Supportive Care 51
Bone and Connective 54
Tissue Cancers
Brain Cancers 55
Breast Cancers 56
Gastrointestinal Cancers 58
Gastrointestinal Cancers 60
(Endocrine Tumours)
Head and Neck Cancers 61
Gynaecological Cancers 62
Haematological Cancers 64
Prostate Cancers 66
Skin Cancers 68
Thoracic Cancers 69
Social Services, 72
Intercultural Mediation,
Mediation 74
Families 75
Proud of its past, 8
focused on the future
A Comprehensive 10
Cancer Centre
Facts & Figures 12
Aware as it is of the challenges and choices of research and the
importance of working in collaboration with others, the Institute has
participated in the creation of several international networks: the
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, the
Multinational Association of Supportive Care In Cancer, the Breast
International Group, the European Lung Cancer Working Party, and
the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes.
As the first integrated cancer centre in Belgium, the Institute is
part of the public hospitals network in Brussels and the Université
Libre de Bruxelles. With its 154 beds entirely devoted to cancer
treatment, annually it looks after 6,000 hospitalised patients, carries
out 75,000 consultations, and provides over 12,000 outpatient
treatments. But the Institute is cramped for space. To respond
adequately to the demographic, epidemiological and scientific
developments of the future, it plans to move to new facilities in 2016,
thereby increasing its hospital-bed capacity to 250. Joining forces
with the Hôpital Universitaire Erasme and the research laboratories of
the Faculty of Medicine of the Université Libre de Bruxelles on a single
campus, it will continue to be able to fulfill its pioneering role within
the European network of centres active in the fight against cancer.
The Institut Jules Bordet, which initially consisted of a surgical and
a radiotherapy department, was established in 1939. The Institute
started to expand considerably after the Second World War.
Following the impetus of Professors Albert Claude and Henri Tagnon
after their respective returns from the United States in the early
1950s, the Institute rapidly developed innovative activities: a depart-
ment of medicine with specific sectors for chemotherapy and
immunotherapy; pathology and nuclear medicine laboratories; and
new medical imaging techniques. Already at this time, the ideas of
approaching cancer treatment and care in a multidisciplinary man-
ner and integrating research and teaching into treatment had taken
shape. Since then, the Institute has continued to participate actively
in the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive
techniques, which are quickly made available to the public.
Some examples of this innovation include the following:
1953, creation of a research laboratory in the Department of Medicine
1964, opening of a screening clinic
1972, inauguration of the first oncological day hospitalfor chemo-
therapy in Belgium
1975, the first autologous transplantation of haematopoietic stem
cells and the development of a new method for measuring oes-
trogen receptors in breast cancers
1978, convening the first hospital ethics committee in Belgium
1985, establishment of the first Psycho-Oncology Unit and Breast
Clinic in the country
1989, creation of a training course in oncology for nurses and
establishment of a rehabilitation unit
1990, first developments in translational research and the com-
mencement of a programme for giving up smoking
1994, set-up of the first Belgian cord blood bank
1997, introduction of the sentinel lymph node surgical technique
1999, first haploidentical haematopoietic stem cell transplanta-
tion in the world and first laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in
2004, first treatment of hepatic metastases with radioactive
microspheres in Belgium
2006, development of the Genomic Grade Index, a genomic sig-
nature making it possible to predict the aggressiveness of breast
cancers to help determine the best treatment options
2009, establishment of intraoperative radiotherapy with Mobetron
or over 70 years, the
Institut Jules Bordet
has been providing
its patients and the general
public with a wide range of
state-of-the-art strategies for
dealing with cancer. The Insti-
tute, which is an academic one,
combines three essential mis-
sions: treatment, research and
teaching. Its international rep-
utation draws many talented
people to the Institute, who
discover an environment con-
ducive to fullling their human
and professional qualities.
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