Présentation de l'équipe :
La Chaire "Vente et stratégie marketing Europe" repose sur la diversité et la
complémentarité des firmes fondatrices. Entreprises de service, de biens de grande
consommation, de biens industriels, de produits techniques et firmes de recherche
sont ainsi représentées.
Ces entreprises ont en commun le souci d'aider les étudiants désirant s'engager
dans une carrière commerciale à développer leurs capacités de négociateurs et
d'organisateurs au niveau des stratégies commerciales.
Principales collaborations :
On compte parmi les partenaires de la Chaire EDF, France Télécom, GDF, Procter &
Gamble, Rank Xerox, Renault, etc.
Thèmes de recherche :
- Stratégies de ventes et de marketing en Europe,
- Gestion de l'innovation,
- Stratégie technologique,
- Marketing international,
- Cultures étrangères : méthodes avancées pour la vente à l’international.
Publications récentes :
- "La collecte des données et la gestion de leurs sources", (avec C. Donada, P.
Baumard et J. Ibert), Epistémologie, Méthodologie et Recherches en Management,
Thiétart (ed.), Dunod, Paris, 1999, chap. 9, pp. 224-256.
- "L'environnement du chercheur", Méthodes de Recherche en Management, R.A.
Thiétart (ed.), Dunod, Paris, 1999, chap. 18, pp. 496-510.
- "Uncertainty, Complexity and New Product Development," (with Raymond-Alain
Thiétart, ESSEC and Université Paris-Dauphine), Strategy, Structure and Style, H.
Thomas, D. O'Neal and M. Ghertman (eds), John Wiley, 1997, 329-356.
- "Croissance interne et compétitivité", Management Stratégique et Compétitivité, Ed.
M. Ingham. Brussels: De Boeck Wesmael, 1995.
- "Orientacao estrategica da empresa e desempenho dos novos produtos",
Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao, 1999, 5-1, pp. 71-103.
- "Strategic Orientations of the Firm and Performance of Its New Product," (Co-author
with Hubert Gatignon, INSEAD), Journal of Marketing Research, 34-1, 1997, 77-90.
- "Tendances à innover des consommateurs: Evaluation empirique de la validité
d'une échelle de mesure de l'Innovativeness dans un contexte transculturel",
Recherches et Applications en Marketing, vol. 11, n° 3, 1996.
- "Innovation et partenariat: facteur clés de succès", (avec Eric Perraud, Elf
Atochem), Décisions Marketing, octobre 1996.
- "The Diffusion of Market Perceptions in New High Technology Firms," (Co-author
with M. Ingham, Université Catholique de Louvain), Proceedings of the Research
Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, AMA. Stockholm, June 1996.
- "The Role of Entrepreneurship and Marketing Perceptions in Innovation Processes
in a High Technology-based New Firm Facing Global Market in Nuclear Medicine,"
(Co-author with M. Ingham, Catholic University of Louvain), Proceedings of RENT
VIII (Research on Entrepreneurship) EIASM. Tampere, Finland, November, 1994.
- "Managing Planned and Autonomous Innovation: A Matched Sample Comparison,"
Proceedings of the Second International Product Development Management
Conference, EIASM. Gothenburg, Sweden, May, 1994.
- "Book Review of Managing Imitation Strategies by Steven P. Schnaars,"
Recherches et Applications en Marketing, vol. 10, n° 4, 1994: pp. 97-98.
- "Tendances à innover des consommateurs: Evaluation empirique de la validité
d'une échelle de mesure de l'Innovativeness dans un contexte transculturel", (avec
S. Nyeck et S. Paradis, Université de Laval; et J-C. Chebat, UQAM, Québec), Actes
du Xème Congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing. Paris, mai 1994.
- "Organizational Revitalization within a Knowledge Based Approach of the Firm,"
(with R. Wright, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign), Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate
Knowledge. Compiègne, France, October, 1994.
- "Innovation dans les secteurs de haute technologie: le piège du marché virtuel",
Recherches et Applications en Marketing, vol. 8, n° 2, 1993: pp. 23-44.
- "Une redéfinition du processus d'innovation", Revue Française de Gestion,84,
1991: 96-105.
Associations :
Academy of Management.
Strategic Management Society.
Association Française de Marketing
American Marketing Association.
Conseils et autres activités :
French representative of the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the
Academy of Management.
Invited faculty, Doctoral Consortium in Technology and Innovation Management,
Academy of Management, Vancouver, 1995.
Invited faculty, Doctoral Consortium in Technology and Innovation Management,
Academy of Management,San Diego, 1998.
Invited Member, Junior Faculty Consortium (Business Policy and Strategy), Academy
of Management, Dallas, August 1994.
- Ad-hoc Reviewer for Organization Science, Journal of Management Inquiry,
Technology Studies, Revue Française de Gestion, Recherches et Applications en
- Ad-hoc Reviewer for AMA (American Marketing Association), EMAC (European
Marketing Association), Academy of Management, AIMS (Association Internationale
de Management Stratégique), AFM (Association française de Marketing).
Expérience professionnelle :
1998-2001 Gemini Consulting, Paris, France: Principal.
1991 The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA: Teaching
Assistant of Entrepreneurship in the Wharton Executive MBA.
1989-1990 Andersen Consulting, EMAT MFP, Paris, France: Mission for the French
Army Headquarters (Human Resources Division), Consultant
1987-1988 BULL, Paris, France: Strategy and Organization Department.
Contributions à des conférences :
"The Evolution of Market Knowledge in New High Technology Firms," (with M.
Ingham, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique), Academy of Management,
Boston, USA, August, 1997.
"Rationalité, gestion de l'incertitude et développement de produits nouveaux", (avec
R.A. Thiétart, Université Paris-Dauphine et ESSEC), AIMS, Montréal, Canada, juin
"Innovation and Joint-Ventures," (with Eric Perraud, Elf Atochem), INFORMS,
Management Science, San Diego, USA, May 1997.
"How Grounded are Purchase Intents: An Empirical Inquiry," (with A.Bemmaor,
ESSEC), INSEAD-ESSEC-HEC Research Seminar, December 1996.
"The Diffusion of Market Perceptions in New High Technology Firms." (Co-author
with M. Ingham, Catholic University of Louvain) Academy of Management. Cincinnati,
August, 1996.
"Some Correlates of French Consumer Vacations Preferences." (Co-author with S.
Nyeck, University of Laval; and S. Paradis, UQAM, Canada) EIRASS. Innsbruck,
Austria, June, 1996.
"Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance." (Co-author with H.
Gatignon, INSEAD) INFORMS, Marketing Science. Gainsville, March, 1996.
"Technology and Innovation Management Research in the United States and
Elsewhere." Academy of Management Meeting. Vancouver, Canada, August, 1995.
"De l'ethnocentrisme des echelles de mesure: Evaluation de la validité inter-pays
d'un instrument de mesure de l'innovativité." (Co-author with S: Nyeck and S.
Paradis, University of Laval; and J-C. Chebat, UQAM, Québec) CRG Research
Seminar, University of Quebec. Montreal, January, 1995. ("Enthocentrism of
Measuring Scales: An Evaluation of Validity of International Instruments that Measure
"Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance." (Co-author with H.
Gatignon, INSEAD) New Product Development Conference. The Wharton School.
Philadelphia, May, 1995.
Projets en cours
How Grounded Are Purchase Intents: An Empirical Inquiry, (with A.Bemmaor),
The Management of Imitation, (with H. Gatignon, INSEAD et J. West, Harvard
Business School).
The Management of Aesthetic Quality, (with J. West, Harvard Business School).
Managing Core Competencies: The CERN Experience, (with J. Salk, ESSEC et M.
Nordberg, CERN).
Contact :
Professeur Jean-Marc XUEREB
Professeur Associé, Département Marketing
Responsable de la Chaire Vente et Stratégie Marketing en Europe
Groupe ESSEC
Centre de Recherche / Chaire Vente et Stratégie Marketing Europe
Avenue Bernard Hirsch - BP 105
Tél. :
E-mail :
Web :
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