Syndrome Métabolique : Références Scientifiques Choisies
n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in type 2 diabetes: a
Nettleton JA, Katz R.
J Am Diet Assoc. 2005 Mar;105(3):428-40.
Historically, epidemiologic studies have reported a lower prevalence
of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in populations
consuming large amounts of the n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) found mainly in fish. Controlled clinical
studies have shown that consumption of n-3 LC-PUFAs has
cardioprotective effects in persons with type 2 diabetes without
adverse effects on glucose control and insulin activity. Benefits
include lower risk of primary cardiac arrest; reduced cardiovascular
mortality, particularly sudden cardiac death; reduced triglyceride
levels; increased high-density lipoprotein levels; improved endothelial
function; reduced platelet aggregability; and lower blood pressure.
These favorable effects outweigh the modest increase in low-density
lipoprotein levels that may result from increased n-3 LC-PUFA
intake. Preliminary evidence suggests increased consumption of n-3
LC-PUFAs with reduced intake of saturated fat may reduce the risk of
conversion from impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes in
overweight persons. Reported improvements in hemostasis, slower
progression of artery narrowing, albuminuria, subclinical
inflammation, oxidative stress, and obesity require additional
confirmation. Expected health benefits and public health implications
of consuming 1 to 2 g/day n-3 LC-PUFA as part of lifestyle
modification in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are discussed.
n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in type 2 diabetes: a
Nettleton JA, Katz R.
J Am Diet Assoc. 2005 Mar;105(3):428-40.
Historically, epidemiologic studies have reported a lower prevalence
of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in populations
consuming large amounts of the n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) found mainly in fish. Controlled clinical
studies have shown that consumption of n-3 LC-PUFAs has
cardioprotective effects in persons with type 2 diabetes without
adverse effects on glucose control and insulin activity. Benefits
include lower risk of primary cardiac arrest; reduced cardiovascular
mortality, particularly sudden cardiac death; reduced triglyceride
levels; increased high-density lipoprotein levels; improved endothelial
function; reduced platelet aggregability; and lower blood pressure.
These favorable effects outweigh the modest increase in low-density
lipoprotein levels that may result from increased n-3 LC-PUFA
intake. Preliminary evidence suggests increased consumption of n-3
LC-PUFAs with reduced intake of saturated fat may reduce the risk of
conversion from impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes in
overweight persons. Reported improvements in hemostasis, slower
progression of artery narrowing, albuminuria, subclinical
inflammation, oxidative stress, and obesity require additional
confirmation. Expected health benefits and public health implications
of consuming 1 to 2 g/day n-3 LC-PUFA as part of lifestyle
modification in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are discussed.
Syndrome X: medical nutrition therapy.
Roberts K, Dunn K, Jean SK, Lardinois CK
Nutr Rev 2000 May;58(5):154-60
A significant number of Americans are at risk for developing a
condition of insulin resistance termed Syndrome X. Dyslipidemia,
resistance to insulin, obesity, and blood pressure elevation--the deadly
quartet--describe Syndrome X, which increases atherogenic risk and
contributes to coronary artery disease. Lifestyle factors such as
overeating and physical inactivity play a pivotal role in Syndrome X.
This deadly duet has been aptly coined "hyperactive fork" and
"hypoactive foot," respectively. In addition, emerging evidence
suggests that certain nutrients may help protect against Syndrome X.
This review provides a brief discussion of diet and lifestyle factors
related to Syndrome X.
Syndrome X: medical nutrition therapy.
Roberts K, Dunn K, Jean SK, Lardinois CK
Nutr Rev 2000 May;58(5):154-60
A significant number of Americans are at risk for developing a
condition of insulin resistance termed Syndrome X. Dyslipidemia,
resistance to insulin, obesity, and blood pressure elevation--the deadly
quartet--describe Syndrome X, which increases atherogenic risk and
contributes to coronary artery disease. Lifestyle factors such as
overeating and physical inactivity play a pivotal role in Syndrome X.
This deadly duet has been aptly coined "hyperactive fork" and
"hypoactive foot," respectively. In addition, emerging evidence
suggests that certain nutrients may help protect against Syndrome X.
This review provides a brief discussion of diet and lifestyle factors
related to Syndrome X.
Hyperhomocysteinemia correlates with insulin resistance and low-grade systemic inflammation in obese prepubertal children.
Martos R, Valle M, Morales R, Canete R, Gavilan MI, Sanchez-Margalet V.
Metabolism. 2006 Jan;55(1):72-7. Obesity is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease frequently associated
with hypertension, dyslipemia, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Higher homocysteine (Hcy) levels are observed in the hyperinsulinemic obese
adults and suggest that Hcy could play a role in the higher risk of cardiovascular disease in obesity. We analyzed total Hcy levels in obese
prepubertal children and their possible association with both metabolic syndrome and various inflammatory biomarkers and leptin. We studied
43 obese children (aged 6-9 years) and an equal number of nonobese children, paired by age and sex. The obese subjects presented
significantly elevated values for insulin (P = .003), C-reactive protein (P = .033), and leptin (P < .001). No significant differences were found
in Hcy levels between the obese and nonobese children. However, Hcy concentration was significantly higher in the hyperinsulinemic obese
children than in the normoinsulinemic group (P = .002). Using multivariant regression analysis, in the obese group, corrected for age and sex,
the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (P partial = .001) and leptin (P partial = .02) are independent predictive factors for
Hcy. In the control group, corrected for age and sex, the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (P partial = .005) and leptin (P
partial = .031) also are independent predictive factor for Hcy. Increased plasma Hcy, particularly in hyperinsulinemic obese children, may be
causally involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and/or cardiovascular disease, both of which are common in obesity.
Hyperhomocysteinemia correlates with insulin resistance and low-grade systemic inflammation in obese prepubertal children.
Martos R, Valle M, Morales R, Canete R, Gavilan MI, Sanchez-Margalet V.
Metabolism. 2006 Jan;55(1):72-7. Obesity is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease frequently associated
with hypertension, dyslipemia, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Higher homocysteine (Hcy) levels are observed in the hyperinsulinemic obese
adults and suggest that Hcy could play a role in the higher risk of cardiovascular disease in obesity. We analyzed total Hcy levels in obese
prepubertal children and their possible association with both metabolic syndrome and various inflammatory biomarkers and leptin. We studied
43 obese children (aged 6-9 years) and an equal number of nonobese children, paired by age and sex. The obese subjects presented
significantly elevated values for insulin (P = .003), C-reactive protein (P = .033), and leptin (P < .001). No significant differences were found
in Hcy levels between the obese and nonobese children. However, Hcy concentration was significantly higher in the hyperinsulinemic obese
children than in the normoinsulinemic group (P = .002). Using multivariant regression analysis, in the obese group, corrected for age and sex,
the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (P partial = .001) and leptin (P partial = .02) are independent predictive factors for
Hcy. In the control group, corrected for age and sex, the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (P partial = .005) and leptin (P
partial = .031) also are independent predictive factor for Hcy. Increased plasma Hcy, particularly in hyperinsulinemic obese children, may be
causally involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and/or cardiovascular disease, both of which are common in obesity.
Proposed mechanisms for the induction of insulin resistance
by oxidative stress.
Bloch-Damti A, Bashan N.
Antioxid Redox Signal. 2005 Nov-Dec;7(11-12):1553-67.
In diabetes (type 1 and type 2), increased flux of free fatty acids
and glucose is associated with increased mitochondrial reactive
oxygen species (ROS) production and, as a consequence,
increased oxidative stress. ROS have been shown to activate
various cellular stress-sensitive pathways, which can interfere
with cellular signaling pathways. Exposure of different cell lines
to micromolar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide leads to the
activation of stress kinases such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase, p38,
IkappaB kinase, and extracellular receptor kinase 1/2. This
activation is accompanied by a down-regulation of the cellular
response to insulin, leading to a reduced ability of insulin to
promote glucose uptake, and glycogen and protein synthesis. The
mechanisms leading to this down-regulation in oxidized cells are
complicated, involving increased serine/threonine
phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1), impaired
insulin-stimulated redistribution of IRS1 and
phosphatidylinositol-kinase between cytosol and low-density
microsomal fraction, followed by a reduced protein kinase-B
phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma
membrane. In addition, prolonged exposure to ROS affects
transcription of glucose transporters: whereas the level of
GLUT1 is increased, GLUT4 level is reduced. As can be
expected, administration of antioxidants such as lipoic acid in
oxidized cells, in animal models of diabetes, and in type 2
diabetes shows improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, oxidative
stress is presently accepted as a likely causative factor in the
development of insulin resistance.
Proposed mechanisms for the induction of insulin resistance
by oxidative stress.
Bloch-Damti A, Bashan N.
Antioxid Redox Signal. 2005 Nov-Dec;7(11-12):1553-67.
In diabetes (type 1 and type 2), increased flux of free fatty acids
and glucose is associated with increased mitochondrial reactive
oxygen species (ROS) production and, as a consequence,
increased oxidative stress. ROS have been shown to activate
various cellular stress-sensitive pathways, which can interfere
with cellular signaling pathways. Exposure of different cell lines
to micromolar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide leads to the
activation of stress kinases such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase, p38,
IkappaB kinase, and extracellular receptor kinase 1/2. This
activation is accompanied by a down-regulation of the cellular
response to insulin, leading to a reduced ability of insulin to
promote glucose uptake, and glycogen and protein synthesis. The
mechanisms leading to this down-regulation in oxidized cells are
complicated, involving increased serine/threonine
phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1), impaired
insulin-stimulated redistribution of IRS1 and
phosphatidylinositol-kinase between cytosol and low-density
microsomal fraction, followed by a reduced protein kinase-B
phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma
membrane. In addition, prolonged exposure to ROS affects
transcription of glucose transporters: whereas the level of
GLUT1 is increased, GLUT4 level is reduced. As can be
expected, administration of antioxidants such as lipoic acid in
oxidized cells, in animal models of diabetes, and in type 2
diabetes shows improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, oxidative
stress is presently accepted as a likely causative factor in the
development of insulin resistance.
L'implication du syndrome de résistance à l'insuline dans
le développement du diabète de type II et des ses
complications n'est plus à démontrer. De nombreuses
études expérimentales et cliniques ont également montré
un rôle majeur de la carence en acides gras oméga-3 et
de l'excès d'acides gras saturés, du stress oxydant
notamment au niveau des membranes cellulaires ansi que
des troubles des réactions de méthylation traduits par une
L'implication du syndrome de résistance à l'insuline dans
le développement du diabète de type II et des ses
complications n'est plus à démontrer. De nombreuses
études expérimentales et cliniques ont également montré
un rôle majeur de la carence en acides gras oméga-3 et
de l'excès d'acides gras saturés, du stress oxydant
notamment au niveau des membranes cellulaires ansi que
des troubles des réactions de méthylation traduits par une
Le Journal de la Médecine Nutritionnelle et Fonctionnelle Pratique
Le Journal de la Médecine Nutritionnelle et Fonctionnelle Pratique