TELEVIE's Researchers Seminar
December 5th 2013 – 8:30-17:00
Auditorium Central B
Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 51, 1200 Bruxelles
Université Catholique de Louvain
Télévie 2014:
New progress from a multitargeted approach
8:30 Welcome and poster set up
9:30 Introduction by Prof. Jacques Boniver
Chair: Pierre Coulie
9:35 The potential role of imaging biomarkers in cancer management : focus on tumor
oxygenation, hemodynamics and metabolism
Prof. Bernard Gallez (UCL)
10:00 Responses of endothelial cells to cycling hypoxia : a role in tumor inflammation
Prof. Carine Michiels (UNamur)
10:25 Molecular Regulation of Cytokine in Inflammation
Dr. Stanislas Goriely (ULB)
10:50 Coffee break
Chair: Bernard Rogister
11:15 DNA hypomethylation and activation of germline-specific
Prof. Charles Desmet (UCL)
11:40 Differential responses of distinct types of stem cells to DNA damage
Dr. Panagioka Sotiropoulou (ULB)
12:05 Cardenolides as promising anti-cancer agents
Dr. Marc Diederich (LBMCC, Lux.)
12:30 Neurosurgical aspects of translational research on gliomas
Dr. Pierre Robe (ULg)
12:55 Graduate school in cancerology
Prof. Agnès Noël (ULg)