1. Séance cinématique Muzzy scènes 7 - 15 (with the

1. Séance cinématique Muzzy scènes 7 - 15 (with the sound)
Theme: Using polite expressions. Numbers.
2. Explic du lexique
Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Elle est
I am
you are
he is
she is
Comment allez-vous?
how many
Il y a
there are
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq,
six , sept, huit, neuf, dix
Le jardinier
Un arbre
Tu peux me donner Can you give me…?
S’il te (vous) plait - please
Here you are
Une salade
Une boisson
a drink
3. Règles grammatiques
Gendre, Verbe etre (Muzzy grammar, for the parents)
4. Exos ludiques
Je suis Muzzy. Je suis comment? Je suis grand.
C’est le roi. Il est comment? - Il est fort!
C’est la reine. Elle est comment? - Elle est grosse… etc.
- Tu aime …? Prends-le. Dis “J’ai …” Tu peux me le donner, STP? - Voila. - Merci.
- Have students hold up the number of fingers when they recognize the numbers in scenes
8 & 9.
- Practice counting 1-12 by throwing around a Muzzy. The teacher starts then tosses it to a
student, who says the next number. To keep things under control, be sure the object is
returned to the teacher each time.
-Play the DVD chapter 15 with the sound. After the kids practice saying the numbers
you can play this scene of the DVD again without sound and see if they can say the
- Show the number with your fingers, the students must say it more and more quickly.
- Quel age as-tu? (exo attached)
5. Gymnastique phonétique
You can listen to the song of the day, "Un, deux, trois, allons dans les bois", on YouTube:
Please find attached the lyrics of the song.
Un, deux, trois, allons dans les bois
Un, deux, trois, allons dans les bois
(one, two, three, let’s go to the woods)
Quatre, cinq, six, cueillir des cerises
(four, five, six, we could pick cherries)
Sept, huit, neuf, dans mon panier neuf
(seven, eight, nine, in my new basket)
Dix, onze, douze, elles seront toutes
(ten, eleven, twelve, they will be all red!)