of African Economies / Journal of Banking and Finance / Journal of Economic Asymmetries / Journal
of Economic Integration / Journal of Economic Policy Reform / Journal of Global Economics / Journal
of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money / Journal of International Money and
Finance / Journal of Macroeconomics / Journal of Modelling in Management / Journal of Stock &
Forex Trading / L'actualité économique, revue d’Analyse économique / Modern Economy / North
American Journal of Economics and Finance / Open Economies Review / Post-Communist Economies
/ Telescope, Revue d'analyse comparée en administration publique / Review of Austrian Economics /
Review of International Organizations / The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics / The Economic
Research Guardian / The European Journal of Comparative Economics
10. Journal Articles
2017: “The impact of the European sovereign debt crisis on banks stocks. Some evidence of
shift contagion in Europe”, Journal of Banking and Finance, with H. Raymond and H.
Rharrabti, 74: 24-37.
2016: “The impact of the eurozone crisis on European banks stocks contagion or
interdependence?”, European Research Studies, with H. Raymond and H. Rharrabti,
19(1): 129-148.
2016: « Oil currencies in the face of oil shocks: what can be learned from time-varying
specifications? », avec C. Couharde, V. Mignon et T. Razafindrabe, Applied Economics,
2015: “Capital flow bonanzas and monetary policy in emerging Europe: responses to the
global financial crisis”, Post-Communist Economies, with A. Sallenave, 27(4): 429-447.
2015: “Oil price shocks and global imbalances: Lessons from a model with trade and
financial interdependencies”, Economic Modelling, with V. Mignon and A. Sallenave,
49(September): 232–247.
2015: “External shocks and monetary policy in an oil exporting economy”, Journal of Policy
Modeling, with M.T. Benkhodja, , 37(4): 652-667.
2014: “The Dutch disease effect in a high versus low oil dependent countries”, Energy Studies
Review, Special Issue “Economics of Energy & Climate Change”, with M.T., Benkhodja,
21(2): 33-75.
2014: “Intégration financière internationale et croissance économique dans les pays
émergents et en développement: le canal du développement financier”, Revue
d'Economie du Développement, with S. Azzabi, 3: 27-68.
2014: “Current accounts and oil price fluctuations in oil-exporting countries: the role of
financial development”, Journal of International Money and Finance, with C. Couharde,
D. Coulibaly, and V. Mignon, 47(1): 185-201.
2014: “Macroeconomic policy responses to financial crises in emerging European
economies”, Economic Modelling, with E. Beker-Pucar, C. Gimet, and K. Josifidis,
36(January): 577–591.
2014 : “The impact of real exchange rates adjustments on global imbalances : a multilateral
approach”, Economic Modelling, with A. Sallenave, 37(February): 149–163.
2013: “Une analyse informationnelle de la crise financière récente”, Revue Française
d'Economie, with C. Cornand, 28(2013/3): 213-264.
2013: “Financial development, threshold effects and convergence in developing and
emerging countries”, Economics Bulletin, with S. Azzabi, 33(3): 1899-1921.