CSD - 2/5
• Articles (revues à comité de lecture)
Sevilla-Dedieu C, Kovess-Masféty V, Angermeyer MC, Bruffaerts R, Fernandez A, de Girolamo G, de
Graaf R, Haro JM, König HH, the ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 Investigators (2011). Measuring use of
services for mental health problems in epidemiological surveys. International Journal of Methods in
Psychiatric Research ; 20 : 182-191.
Sevilla-Dedieu C, Kovess-Masféty V, Gilbert F, Vilagut G, König HH, Bruffaerts R, Haro JM, Alonso J, the
ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 Investigators (2011). Mental health care and out-of-pocket expenditures in
Europe: results from the ESEMeD project. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics ; 14 : 95-
Chéron-Launay M, Le Faou AL, Sevilla-Dedieu C, Gilbert F, Kovess-Masfety V (2011). Smoking and the
consumption of antidepressants, anxiolytics and hypnotic drugs: results of a large, French
epidemiological study in 2005. Addictive Behaviors ; 36 : 743-748.
Sevilla-Dedieu C, Kovess-Masféty V, Haro JM, Fernandez A, Vilagut G, Alonso J, the ESEMeD/MHEDEA
2000 Investigators (2010). Seeking help for mental health problems outside the conventional health
care system: results from the European study of the epidemiology of mental disorders (ESEMeD).
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry ; 55 : 586-597.
Launay M, Le Faou AL, Sevilla-Dedieu C, Pitrou I, Gilbert F, Kovess-Masféty V (2010). Prevalence of
tobacco smoking in teachers following anti-smoking policies: results from two French surveys (1999
and 2005). European Journal of Public Health ; 20 : 151-156.
Kovess-Masféty V, Beck F, Sevilla-Dedieu C, Gilbert F. Consommation de soins et troubles
psychiatriques chez les 15-25 ans. L’Encéphale ; 34 : S162-S167.
Bernert S, Fernandez A, Haro JM, König HH, Alonso J, Vilagut G, Sevilla-Dedieu C, de Graaf R,
Matschinger H, Heider D, Angermeyer MC, the ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 investigators (2009).
Comparison of different valuation methods for population health status measured by the EQ-5D in
three European countries. Value in Health ; 12 : 750-758.
Sevilla-Dedieu C, Kovess-Masféty V (2008). Psychotropic medication use in children and adolescents:
a study from France. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology ; 18: 281-289.
Kovess-Masféty V, Alonso J, Brugha TS, Angermeyer MC, Haro JM, Sevilla-Dedieu C, the
ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000 Investigators (2007). Differences in lifetime use of services for mental health
problems in six European countries. Psychiatric Services ; 58: 213-220.
Kovess-Masféty V, Rios-Seidel C, Sevilla-Dedieu C (2007). Teachers’ mental health and teaching
levels. Teaching and Teacher Education ; 23:1177-1192.
Kovess-Masféty V, Saragoussi D, Sevilla-Dedieu C, Gilbert F, Suchocka A, Arveiller N, Gasquet I,
Younes N, Hardy-Bayle MC (2007). What makes people decide who to turn to when faced with a
mental health problem? Results from a French survey. BMC Public Health ; 7: 188.
Kovess-Masféty V, Sevilla-Dedieu C, Rios-Seidel C, Nerrière E, Chan Chee C (2006). Do teachers have
more health problems? Results from a French cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health ; 6 : 101.
Kovess-Masféty V, Xavier M, Moreno Kustner B, Suchocka A, Sevilla-Dedieu C, Dubuis J, Lacalmontie
E, Pellet J, Roelandt JL, Walsh D (2006). Schizophrenia and quality of life: a one-year follow-up in four
EU countries. BMC Psychiatry ; 6 : 39.
Sevilla C, Bourret P, Noguès C, Moatti JP, Sobol H, le Groupe Génétique et Cancer, Julian-Reynier C.
L’offre de tests de prédisposition génétique au cancer du sein ou de l’ovaire en France.
Médecine/Sciences ; 20 : 788-92.
Sevilla C, Julian-Reynier C, Eisinger F, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Sobol H, Moatti JP
(2003). The impact of gene patents on the cost-effective delivery of care: the case of BRCA1 genetic
testing. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care ; 19 : 287-300.
Hopwood P, van Asperen CJ, Borreani G, Bourret P, Decruyenaere M, Dishon S, Eisinger F, Evans DGR,
Evers-Kiebooms, Gangeri L, Hagoel L, Legius E, Nippert I, Rennert G, Schlegelberger B, Sevilla C, Sobol
H, Tibben A, Welkenhuysen M, Julian-Reynier C (2003). Cancer genetics service provision: a
comparison of seven European centres. Community Genetics ; 6 : 192-205.