Overall objective
Contribute to strengthening the capacities of 15 ECOWAS member States in the effective
integration of climate change and variability in the implementation of agricultural policies and
Specific Objectives
•Strengthen the capacities of managers and experts of the agricultural field/sector in the
fifteen ECOWAS countries on climate change and its impacts on agriculture!;
•Strengthen the capacities of managers and experts of the agricultural field/sector in the
fifteen ECOWAS countries on the integration of climate change in programs and National
Agricultural Investment Plans;
•Strengthen the capacities of managers and experts of the agricultural field/sector in the
fifteen ECOWAS countries smart agriculture practices resilient;
•Create web portal and platform for knowledge sharing and dissemination of best practices
in terms of smart agriculture and climate change
Expected Outcomes
•The knowledge of NAIP experts on climate change is reinforced!;
• Best practices on sustainable land management and water to enhance the resilience of
rural communities to climate impacts are well known!;
•The capacities of technical managers (from ECOWAD countries) regarding project
development have been strengthened ;
• Climate change indicators have been integrated in NAIPs;
•A document of best practices on ways of adaptation of agriculture to climate change is
• Best practices on smart agriculture and climate change are disseminated.
•Two regional training workshops on ways of adaptation of agriculture to climate change
and development of agricultural investment project,
• 15 national workshops organized by NAIP focal points on the integration of climate
change in NAIPs,
• Creation of a web portal,
•and development of a virtual platform of exchange on Agriculture and climate change as
well as organization of workshops and development of three thematic notes.