Didier Swingedouw
37 years old ! Married, 2 children ! Researcher CNRS at laboratory EPOC-OASU-Université de Bordeaux, 33615 Pessac - France
Phone: +33 (0)6 22 11 04 07 ! didier.swingedouw@u-bordeaux1.fr ! Web site: http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/dssce/public_html
2003 2006
PhD, University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris, France),
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE-France)
Supervisors: Pascale Braconnot and Pascale Delecluse
Thesis title: ’The future of the thermohaline circulation in next centuries. Analysis with
the IPSL-CM4 coupled model.’
2002 2003
Master Degree, University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris, France).
Topics: oceanography, meteorology and environmental sciences (ranked 1st/21).
2000 2003
Physical engineer in fluid mechanics and oceanography ENSTA-Paris Tech
One of the top 10 French engineering "grandes écoles".
Previous positions
2010 2013
CNRS researcher CR1, IPSL/LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette France.
2008 2009
Postdoctoral Fellow, CERFACS. Working with Laurent Terray for the
ESCARSEL project dedicated at understanding last millennium variability.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Catholique de Louvain, (Institut d'Astronomie et de
Geophysique Georges Lemaitre, Belgium). Working with Thierry Fichefet for the
NICE project dedicated at understanding the impact of freshwater input in the Southern
Spring 2002
Research Assistant, University of Santiago de Compostella (Spain).
Prize and awards
“Christian Le Provost Prize from the French Science Academy
recompensing an
outstanding early career oceanographer every two years.
French Marine Academy award for PhD thesis.
Young Scientists Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) à l’EGU de Vienne.
Finalist (2nd) of the André Prud'homme’ award, recompensing the best PhD thesis
in climate sciences defended in France.
Fellowships, grants and awards
2010 2017
Bonus for scientific excellence, delivered two times by CNRS for a period of 4
Marie Curie Fellowship (~180 k) for the supervision of Nathaelle Bouttes,
working on glacial interglacial CO2 variations, trying to explain the mid-Bruhnes shift.
2013 2016
WP leader of the French project HAMOC (administrating ~110 k) concerning
Holocene variability in the North Atlantic.
Representative at LSCE of the European project EMBRACE (administrating
~140 k) concerning the evaluation of possibilities of abrupt climate changes in the
North Atlantic in the near future.
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WP leader of the French project GREENLAND (administrating ~120 k) about
climatic variability in the North Atlantic over the last millennium.
Research projects
HAMOC (Holocene North Atlantic Gyres and Mediterranean Overturning dynamic
through Climate changes)
: ANR project coordinated by Christophe Colin.
Workpackage leader.
MORDICUS (2014-2017) : GICC project coordinated by Christophe Cassou.
SPECS (Seasonal-to-decadal climate prediction for the improvement of European climate
services) : FP7 European project project coordinated by Francisco Doblas-Reyes.
MILEX (Extra-tropical climate variability during the last millennium : atmsopheric
circulation and extreme events) : French-Swedish project project coordinated by
Rodrigo Cabellero and Pascal Yiou.
GREEN GREENLAND : ANR-CEPS project project coordinated by Valérie
Masson-Delmotte. Workpackage leader
EPIDOM (Evaluation de la Prévisibilite Interannuelle à Décennale à partir des
Observations et des Modèles) : GICC project coordinated by Christophe Cassou.
TI AMMO (Theoretical investigations of the Atlantic multi-decadal to millennial
oscillations) : LEFE project coordinated by Thierry Huck.
Participation in the oceanographic cruise on the Thalassa ship (Ifremer,
OVIDE project)
MISSTERRE!: LEFE project coordinated by coordonné par Pascale Braconnot.
THOR (Thermohaline circulation at risk?) : FP6 European project coordinated by
Detlef Quadfasel.
ESCARSEL : ANR project coordinated by Joel Guiot.
NICE : Research training network (RTN, FP6) coordinated by Gilles Ramstein.
Supervisions of graduate students, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Giovanni Sgubin, postdoctoral fellow for EMBRACE and VINTAGE.
Nathaelle Bouttes, postdoctoral fellow for Marie Curie.
Alina Gainusa-Bogdan, postdoctoral fellow for Milex.
Pablo Ortega Montilla, postdoctoral fellow for GREENLAND and SPECS.
Sébastien Nguyen research engineer for SPECS.
Agathe Germe, postdoctoral fellow for SPECS.
Sulagna Ray, postdoctoral fellow for EPIDOM and SPECS
Jérôme Servonnat, postdoctoral fellow for EPIDOM.
Help for supervision of the PhD thesis from Roland Séférian (PI: L. Bopp).
Help for supervision of the PhD thesis from Véronique Mariotti PI: L. Bopp).
Member of the PhD thesis jury from Katherine Crichton (University of Grenoble,
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Member of the PhD thesis jury from Elizabeth Crespin (University of Louvain,
Member of the PhD thesis jury from Pablo Ortega (University of Madrid, Spain).
Member du comité de thèse de Koffi Worou (Université de Louvain, Belgium).
Member of the PhD thesis comity from Marie Nicolle (University of Rouen,
Member of the PhD thesis comity from Mélanie Wary (University of Bordeaux,
Amy Jewell, Master 1 intership from University of Bordeaux.
Julianna Oliveira, Master 1 intership from University of Bordeaux.
Lola Ormières, Master 2 intership from Université de Bordeaux.
Elwynn de la Vega, Master 2 intership from Université de Bordeaux.
Sébastien LeClec’h, Master 2 intership from Université of Marseille-Luminy.
Romain Escudier, Master 2 intership from ENSTA-UPMC.
Guillaume Taburet, Master 1 intership from INSA-Toulouse.
Aude Matras, Master 1 intership from UVSQ.
Teaching activities
Lecturer at University of Bordeaux, France (12 hours/year)
Lecturer at EPHE (3 hours/year).
Assistant professor for French grandes écoles SUPAERO and ENSEEIHT,
Toulouse, France (6 hours/year)
Assistant professor at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin (UVSQ, France)
in the Master ICE. Conception and supervision of laboratory experiments (3
Organisation of scientific meetings
Convener of a session at the international conference ‘Our Common Future
Under Climate Change in Paris, France, which will provide a scientific
background to coming COP21 discussions lead in Paris end of 2015.
Co-convener of a session at the INQUA (International Union for Quaternary
Research) meeting, Nagoya, Japan.
Co-organiser of AMA (Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère), a three-day
conference on climate modelling (~150 people, Toulouse, France)
2012 2013
Organisation of two workshops for WP2.2 of THOR (~10 people, Paris
France), a project dedicated to understanding of freshwater impact on AMOC in
different climate models.
Kick-off meeting from GREENLAND (~100 people, Gif-sur-Yvette, France),
a project linking model and data people on variability of Greenland climate,
where the PI leads a WP.
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Public outreach
of a book for general public entitled “Greenland: climate, ecology,
society” for CoCNRS edition (316 pages, available in French and English).
of a leaflet (“Climat : Modéliser pour comprendre et anticiper”) of 40 pages
presenting the achievements of French climate modelling community to a wider
audience in relationship with IPCC report publication.
Various activities to disseminate science
to large audience including local
radio, museum (‘Cap Sciences’ in Bordeaux), conferences, web sites FAQ (for
instance http://www.climat-en-questions.fr), articles for scientific popularization
journal (Science & Vie, La Recherche).
Institutional responsabilities
2016 present
Responsible of the seminar’s organisation of the EPOC laboratory
2013 present
Scientific council member, CNRS/INSU/ LEFE/ France
Responsible of the internal animation of the team Palécolimats (consisting
mainly in organising internal short seminar from the team members)
2010 2013
Organiser of the Internal Animation of climate modelling Theme,
2004 2005
PhD students’ representative at laboratory internal meeting, IPSL/LSCE/
Peer/grant review
Reviewer for Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature
Communications, Climate Dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters, Climate of the past,
Journal of Climate, Geosci. Model Dev., Deep Sea Research, Journal of Quaternary
Science, The Holocene.
AGU monograph, IPCC report (2013)
Grant review for NERC, NSF, NWO.
Publications of rank A (h-index=20)
1. Jenkins D. A., Lecomte N., Schaefer J. A., Olsen S. M., Swingedouw D., Cote S. D., Pellissier
L. and Yannic G. (2016) Loss of connectivity following sea ice decline for the Peary caribou
in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Biology letter, in press.
2. Jones J. M., Gille S. T., Goosse H., Abram N. J., Canziani P. O, Charman D. J., Clem K. R.,
Crosta X., de Lavergne C., Eisenman I., England M. H., Fogt R. L., Frankcombe L. M.,
Marshall G. J., Masson-Delmotte V., Morrison A. K., Orsi A. J., Raphael M. N., Renwick J. A.,
Schneider D. P., Simpkins G. R., Steig E. J., Stenni B., Swingedouw D. and Vance T. R.
(2016) Are recent trends in high latitude Southern Hemisphere climate unusual? Nature
Climate Change, in press.
3. Germe A., Sevellec F., Mignot J., Swingedouw D., Nguyen S. (2016) Do oceanic initial state
uncertainties matter for near term climate prediction? Climate Dynamics, in press.
4. Jomelli V.Lane T., Favier V., Masson-Delmotte V., Swingedouw D., Rinterknecht V.,
Schimmelpfennig I., Brunstein D., Verfaillie D., Adamson K., Leanni L., Mokadem F., ASTER
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Team (2016) Paradoxical cold conditions during the warm medieval climate anomaly in
Western Arctic. Scientific report, in press.
5. Mignot J., Garcia-Serrano J., Swingedouw D., Germe A., Nguyen S., Ortega P., Guilyardi
E., Ray S. (2016) Decadal prediction skill in the ocean with surface nudging in the IPSL-
CM5A-LR climate model. Climate Dynamics,in press.
6. Drijfhout S.S., S. Bathiany, C. Beaulieu, V. Brovkin, M. Claussen, C. Huntingford, M.
Scheffer, G. Sgubin, and D. Swingedouw (2015) Catalogue of abrupt shifts in
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate models. Proceedings of National Academy
of Science (PNAS) 112 (43), pp. E5777-E5786.
7. Ortega P., Mignot J., Swingedouw D., Sevellec F., Guilyardi E. (2015) Reconciling two
alternative mechanisms behind bidecadal AMOC variability
Progress in Oceanography 137, pp. 237-249 .
8. Zanchettin D., O. Bothe, F. Lehner, P. Ortega, C. C. Raible and D. Swingedouw (2015)
Reconciling reconstructed and simulated features of the winter Pacific-North-American
pattern in the early 19th century. Climate of the past 11 (6), pp. 939-958.
9. Wisz M. S., O. Broennimann, P. Gronkjaer, R. B. Hedeholm, P. R. Moller, S. M. Olsen, D.
Swingedouw, E. E. Nielsen, A. Guisan, L. Pellissier (2015)Reply to 'Sources of uncertainties
in cod distribution models'. Nature Climate Change 5 (9), pp. 790-791.
10. Masson-Delmotte V., H.C. Steen-Larsen, P. Ortega, D. Swingedouw, T. Popp, B.M.
Vinther, H. Oerter, A.E. Sveinbjornsdottir, H. Gudlaugsdottir, J.E. Box, S. Falourd, X.
Fettweis, H. Gallé, E. Garnier, J. Jouzel, A. Landais, B. Minster, N. Paradis, A. Orsi, C. Risi,
M. Werner, J.W.C. White (2015) Recent changes in North West Greenland climate
documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past
temperature reconstructions. The Cryosphere 9 (4), pp. 1481-1504.
11. Descombes P., Wisz M., Leprieur F., Parravicini V., Heine, C., Olsen S., Swingedouw D.,
Kulbicki M., Mouillot D., Pellissier L. (2015) Coral reef suitability loss under climate change
threatens tropical biodiversity hotspots. Global Change Biology 21 (7), pp. 2479-2487.
12. Sgubin G., Swingedouw D., S. Drijfhout, S. Hagemann and E. Robertson (2015)
Multimodel analysis on the response of the AMOC under an increase of radiative forcing
and its symmetrical reversal. Climate Dynamics 45 (5-6), pp. 1429-1450. DOI
13. Ortega P., F. Lehner, D. Swingedouw, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. C. Raible, M. Casado, P.
Yiou (2015) A multi-proxy model-tested North Atlantic Oscillation reconstruction for the
last millennium. Nature 523, pp. 71-74, doi:10.1038/nature14518.
14. Swingedouw D. (2015) Oceanography: Fresh news from the Atlantic. Nature Climate
Change 5, 411-412, doi:10.1038/nclimate2626.
15. Swingedouw D., P. Ortega,J. Mignot,E. Guilyardi,V. Masson-Delmotte, P. G. Butler and
M. Khodri (2015) Bidecadal North Atlantic ocean circulation variability controlled by timing
of volcanic eruptions. Nature Communications 6, pages: 6545.
16. Campagne P., Crosta X., Houssais M. N., Swingedouw D.,Schmidt S., Devred E., Capo S.,
Marieu V., Closset I. and Masse, G. (2015) Relative role of glacial ice and atmospheric
forcing on the Mertz Glacier Polynya over the past 250 years. Nature Communications 6,
pages: 6642.
17. Ray S. D. Swingedouw, J. Mignot, E. Guilyardi (2015) Effect of surface restoring on
subsurface variability in a climate model during 1949-2005. Climate Dynamics 44 (9-10), pp.
2333-2349, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2358-3.
18. Wisz M. S., O. Broennimann, P. Gronkjaer, R. B. Hedeholm, P. R. Moller, S. M. Olsen, D.
Swingedouw, E. E. Nielsen, A. Guisan, L. Pellissier (2015) Arctic warming will promote
Atlantic-Pacific fish interchange. Nature Climate Change 5 (3), pp. 261-265.
19. Swingedouw D., Rodehacke C., Olsen S., Menary M., Gao Y., Mikolajewicz U., Mignot J.
(2015) Impact of Greenland ice sheet melting on the Atlantic overturning: A multi-model
assessment. Climate Dynamics, 44 (11-12), pp 3261-3279
20. Servonnat J., Mignot J., Guilyardi E., Swingedouw D., Seferian R., Labetoulle S. (2015)
Reconstructing the subsurface ocean decadal variability using surface nudging in a perfect
model framework .Climate Dynamics, 44 (1-2), 315-338, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2184-7
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