Supplemento 2 (2015) - 3
L’originalité des Exercices d’Ignace de Loyola
René Lafontaine s.j.
We will approach the Ignatian Exercises from the angle of their originality, so always pro-
ceeding via comparisons with the positions of other spiritual authors dealing with theology. In
this arena, Jesuit researchers have quite pertinently confronted this Ignatian work with those
deriving from the devotio moderna, like the Spiritual Exercises of Cisneros published in 1500,
while also going back to Ludolph of Saxony’s Vita Christi and Jacobus de Voragine’ Golden
Legend which Ignatius read during his convalescence in Loyola. As for us, we will broaden
our inquiry by going back to the scriptural source which inspired « the tropological and mys-
tical meaning » of Scripture, without neglecting the contributions of the medieval theologies
of Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure. In addition, we will be led to bring to light the herme-
neutics specific to the whole process of the Ignatian Exercises by referring to the last « rules
for having the true sense of the the Church militant » (ES 353ss), that is, by measuring the
conflict engaged upon « in our equally dangerous period » (ES 369) in which « the freedom of
free will » (ES 23; Erasmus) was contested by that of « the bondslave will » (Luther). Such a
conflict will also require the contribution of 20th-century theologians, since in the 16th centu-
ry Christian faith still held universal sway, whereas today our society is subject to a seculariza-
tion tinged with agnosticism and marked by ideological and religious pluralism. Is ignatian
pedagogy still pertinent? Does it really confront the Christian with atheism?
The interpretation of these Ignatian Exercices by Father Gaston Fessard had the merit of
measuring the ontic impact of man’s freedom, by bringing to light, with the help of Hegel’s
dialectical concept, the various threshholds which this freedom must cross in the course of
the four weeks. Our hermeneutics will differ in more than one way from that of Fessard.
Thence, we will seek to show more precisely the specificity of each of the weeks and of the
Excercises which comprise it, highlighting the transformation of their spatio-temporel coor-
dinates, which inspire the totality of human responsibility, determined by the tripartite an-
thropology of the Bible: pneuma, nous, sarx.
In accord with the immense Christian tradition, it will become ever clearer that these
Ignatian Exercises are built upon the double Advent of the sending by the Father of the «
Word become flesh » and of the sending of the Holy Spirit by the Father and the Son, as
distinctly proposed by the contemplation of the mysteries of Christ and the rules for the
discernment of spirits. However the Ignatian Exercises will radicalize the distinction and the
complementarity of this double sending. Indeed, on the one hand, « the booklet of the mys-
teries of the life of Our Lord » (ES 261ss), analysed with strict respect for its abbreviations,
will require that the retreatant only consider the facts reported by the Gospels, stripping them
of any theological justification based on citations of the Word of God, which are themselves
enlighted by the eschatological exaltation of the Son, resurrected and appearing as such to his
mother and to the disciples (cf. Phil 2, 6-12). The retreatant will thus be confronted with the
naked contingency of these mysteries, especially as the writer of the Exercises will prohibit his
retreatant from anticipating the memory of the weeks which are still to come (cf. ES 11).
Moreover, the advent of the Spirit, « Paraclete » and divine « Interpreter », will respond to
this other inverted logic of the mysteries of the story of Christ, by offering the anticipation of