truth, good for a radical evil, of a beautiful monster. For this purpose it uses a de-
synthetic intuition to reveal the hidden tension between these terms, unit molar
scattering system and provide the full enjoyment of libertine excess negative
infinity. If true, the good and the beautiful are the values resulting from the
centripetal movement of reason, the aggregate results for the chaotic part of a
centrifugal movement of unlimited undetermined. It is outside of reason. Talk
about freedom without law and chaos is made possible by the resources of a de-
synthesizing intuition that opposes the synthetic activity of reason. This freedom
without law is usually represented a moral point of view as radical evil, and an
aesthetic point of view as monstrous. But radical evil and monstrous actually
consist to confront the Void and bottomless negative infinity when the game
voltages detected in the values is carried to the extreme of its indeterminacy
without resorting to any point permanent attachment. In this respect the thesis is a
contribution to thinking companies working to oppose a plurality de-synthetic
synthetic unity and correlation-rhizomatic connection to various analytical
Mots-clés en français
Système, agrégat chaotique, déterritorialisation, intuition dé-
synthétisante, chaos, infini négatif, monstrueux, mal radical, moléculaire,
immanence, etc.
Mots-clés en anglais
System, chaotic aggregate, deterritorialization, de-synthetic intuition,
chaos, negative infinity, monstrous, evil radical, molecular, immanence, etc..
- Laboratoire d’études et de recherches sur les logiques