Morgiève M. Intervention lors de plusieurs groupes de paroles de l’AFTOC. Paris, hôpital Sainte-Anne, 5
septembre 2009, 11 avril 2009, 9 janvier 2010.
Morgiève M & Demonfaucon C. Présentation du projet PICRI : Partenariat Institution-Citoyen-recherche-
Innovation. Fête de la science au grand palais. Paris, 15 novembre 2008.
Communications affichées
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Haynes W.I.A, Granger B, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Dynamics of
Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy-related fMRI changes in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder using a
personalised symptom provocation task. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry-Suisse, janvier 2013.
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Haynes W.I.A, Granger B, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Dynamics of
Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy-related fMRI changes in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder using a
personalised symptom provocation task. EABCT, Genève-Suisse, août 2012.
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Gaudeau C, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L Longitudinal fMRI assesment of
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Are there neurobiological markers of
response to treatment? Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry-Suisse, janvier 2012.
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Gaudeau C, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Longitudinal fMRI assesment of
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Are there neurobiological markers of
response to treatment? AFPBN. Paris, mars 2012.
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Saulton A, Gaudeau C, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Neuroimaging and
symptom provocation during Computer-Assisted Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. Lisbonne-Portugal octobre 2011.
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Saulton A, Gaudeau C, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Neuroimaging and
symptom provocation during Computer-Assisted Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. ECNP, Paris, septembre 2011.
Morgiève M, N’Diaye K, Saulton A, Gaudeau C, Clair AH, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Symptom provocation
during Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: a neuroimaging study.
EABCT, Reykjavik-Islande, septembre 2011.
Morgiève M, Clair AH, N’Diaye K, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Do the expectations and involvement of the
relatives of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patients influence the outcome of Cognitive and Behavioral
Therapy? EABCT, Reykjavik-Islande, septembre 2011.
Morgiève M, Clair AH, N’Diaye K, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Do Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patients
relatives’ implication in therapeutic process influence treatment outcome? AFPBN, Paris, avril 2011.
Morgiève M, Clair AH, Saulton A, N’Diaye K, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Objective and subjective
improvement after a new form of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
patients. EPA, Vienne-Autriche, mars 2011.
Morgiève M, Clair AH, Saulton A, N’Diaye K, Mallet L. Does a new Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders patients work? Journée cogni-psy, Paris, décembre 2010.
Morgiève M, Clair AH, Saulton A, N’Diaye K, Mallet L. Does a new Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy for
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders patients work? EABCT, Milan-Italie, octobre 2010.
Clair A-H, Morgiève M, Baroukh T, Pelissolo A, Mallet L. Working memory is not a problem in obsessive
compulsive disorder patients with checking behaviours». EABCT, Dubrovnik-Croatie, septembre 2009.