No 95 Winter/Hiver 2017
ey are a great opportunity to see how people from other
parts of the world do the history of science, and I expect the
same is true of the international Congress on Logic, Meth-
odology, and the Philosophy of Science and Technology,
which will next meet in Prague in 2019. e ICSHT and
CLMPST are organized by sister Divisions that together
form the International Union of History and Philosophy
of Science and Technology. It is good to see that CSHPS,
in a smaller way, provides a single home for the ideas repre-
sented in both Divisions.
It hardly needs saying that our members will be active in
these and many other conferences and promoting the his-
tory and philosophy of science in countless other ways,
by teaching, writing and engaging with current concerns.
Events of the previous year show that questions about the
nature and making of scientic knowledge in the past and
present are as relevant now as they ever have been. In be-
tween all the day to day concerns of academic life, and the
very real concerns of those looking for academic jobs, it is
important to remember that the history and philosophy of
science do in fact matter.
Ernie Hamm
CSHPS President
Presidents Report
Winter 2017
How quickly this new year is upon us. A few months ago we
were reecting on the successes of last year’s annual meet-
ing and now the Program Committee and Local Arrange-
ments Coordinator are very much in the midst of preparing
for this years meeting. I strongly encourage all of you to
consider presenting papers, organizing sessions and simply
attending the 2017 meeting. e end of May is a wonder-
ful time to be in Toronto and Ryerson University with its
vibrant campus in the heart of downtown, promises to be
an exciting and attractive venue for Congress.
Following the decision at last year’s AGM, Communiqué has
with this issue gone electronic. e one exception will be
the program for the annual meeting, which will continue
to be made available also in print form. e strength of our
society is in our members and the annual meeting is the
best opportunity not only to meet each other in person, it
is also the place for all of us to participate in the governance
of the society at the Annual General Meeting. Please do
take a look at the minutes of last year’s AGM, conveniently
printed in the Summer 2016 Communiqué (PDF), which in
turn is readily available on the CSHPS website.
I would also encourage CSHPS members, particularly the
historians, to consider attending the International Congress
of History of Science and Technology, which will be held
in Rio de Janeiro, 23-29 July. e ICHST meets every four
years and this Congress, the 25th, has as its theme “Science,
Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Lo-
cal.” e ICHSTs have a much more international charac-
ter than is typical of North American and British meetings. Snowake photographs by Wilson Bentley (1865-1931)
Newsletter of the
Société canadienne d’histoire et de philosophie des
sciences/Canadian Society for the History and
Philosophy of Science
No 95
Please direct submissions and inquiries to Vincent
Guillin or Eleanor Louson, preferably by email (de-
tails below). Please note that submissions can be sent
in both ocial languages. e editors are grateful to
York University for assistance in printing costs, and
to the University of Guelph for providing the neces-
sary software.
Vincent Guillin
Philosophy Department
Université du Québec à Montréal
Eleanor Louson
STS Graduate Program
York University
CSHPS-SCHPS Executive:
President: Ernie Hamm (York)
Past-President: Lesley Cormack (Alberta)
First Vice-President: Joan Steigerwald (York)
Second Vice-President: Alan Richardson (UBC)
Secretary-Treasurer: Conor Burns (Ryerson)
Editors’ Message
Welcome to the Winter issue of Communiqué. We’re
happy so many of you sent in great updates and
conference announcements. Please see especially
Kentons call for submissions for the recongured
CBMH, which should be relevent to many of your
research interests. Vincent interviewed Molly Kao,
early career philosopher of science at l’Université de
Montréal, on her research, her new position, and her
advice for doctoral students. Jon Turner’s Career Cor-
ner advises us to take stock of the people in our net-
works, as well reect on the roles we all play in each
other’s. In this second digital-only issue, we have
added many more links! You can click on underlined
text for more information throughout the issue. If
you prefer to read a paper copy, you can print and
staple the PDF to replicate the classic” Communiqué
Eleanor and Vincent
issue contents
President’s Report …1
CSHPS/SCHPS Annual Meeting …3-5
Calls for Papers / Workshops …6-9
Funding Opportunities …9
Career Corner …9-10
Entretien avec Molly Kao …10-13
Invitation to submit to CBMH …13-14
Member Updates …14-17
CSHPS Annual Conference 2017
French version follows / La version française suit
e Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy
of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference
as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social
Sciences in Toronto, Ontario, May 27-30, 2017.
e Program Committee invites scholars working on
the history and philosophy of science to submit ab-
stracts for individual papers or proposals for sessions
(3 and 4 papers). In the year of Canadas sesquicenten-
nial, we particularly encourage scholars to engage with
the theme for Congress 2017 “e Next 150, On
Indigenous Lands” (see
theme). Unrelated topics and themes are also welcome.
Meeting languages: e CSHPS is a bilingual society.
Individual papers may be given in English or French,
but eorts to broaden participation are appreciated
(e.g. a presentation in English could be accompanied
by a PowerPoint in French, and vice versa). Similarly,
sessions can be presented in either English or French,
but bilingual sessions are especially welcomed.
Joint sessions: e CSHPS meeting overlaps with the
meeting dates of a number of other member societies
of the CFHSS, including the Canadian Historical As-
sociation, Canadian Philosophical Association, Cana-
dian Society for the History and Philosophy of Math-
ematics, Canadian Sociological Association, Womens
and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes, and Ca-
nadian Society for the History of Medicine. We wel-
come proposals for joint sessions with these and other
societies (please mention this specically in your ses-
sion proposal). However, no talk will be accepted for
presentation at more than one society.
Number of submissions: Individuals can only submit
one abstract for the CSHPS meeting (i.e. either an ab-
stract for an individual paper or an abstract part of a
session proposal).
Submissions: In order to preserve the anonymity of
authors, it is important that contact information and
other identifying information be excluded from the
le containing the abstract.
Individual paper submissions should consist of a title,
a brief abstract (150-250 words), a list of keywords,
and—in the accompanying email—the author’s name
and contact information. Session proposals should
consist of a session title, titles and brief abstracts (150-
250 words) for each paper, a list of keywords, and—in
the accompanying email—the names and contact in-
formation of the presenters and session organizer. Pro-
posals should be in MS Word, pdf, odt or rtf format.
Deadline: January 20th, 2017
Submission email address: program.cshps@gmail.
Presenters: All presenters must be members of the
CSHPS at the time of the meeting. For more informa-
tion about CSHPS membership, consult: http://www.
Student Prize: Student Prize: e CSHPS oers the
Richard Hadden Award, a book prize for the best stu-
dent paper presented at the meeting. To be considered
for the award, students should submit a copy of their
paper by e-mail by May 5, 2017. Details of this prize
can be found at:
Travel Grant: Given for travel to the CSHPS Annual
Meeting (
CFHSS: Information about Congress registration and
accommodation will be available at the CFHSS con-
gress website:
Program Committee (2016-2017):
Delia Gavrus, Chair (Winnipeg)
Robert Brain (UBC)
François Claveau (Sherbrooke)
Local Arrangements: Jennifer Hubbard (Ryerson)
Congès Annuel SCHPS 2017
La Société canadienne d’histoire et de philosophie des
sciences (SCHPS) tiendra son congrès annuel dans
le cadre du Congrès des sciences humaines, Toronto,
Ontario, 27-29 mai 2017
Le comité de programme invite les historiens et phi-
losophes des sciences à soumettre un résumé pour une
communication individuelle ou une proposition de sé-
ance pour le congrès. Les propositions de séances pour
3 ou 4 communications seront particulièrement bien-
venues. À l’occasion du 150e anniversaire de la Con-
fédération canadienne, nous sommes notamment à la
recherche de contributions sur le thème du Congrès
des sciences humaines 2017, « 150 ans vers l’avenir,
en terre autochtone » (
theme). Les contributions qui ne sont pas liées à ce
thème seront également considérées.
Langues du congrès : La SCHPS est une société bi-
lingue. Les communications individuelles peuvent être
en français ou en anglais, mais les eorts pour faciliter
une participation diversiée sont encouragés (par ex-
emple, une communication en français accompagnée
d’une présentation PowerPoint en anglais, ou vice-
versa). De façon similaire, les séances peuvent être en
anglais ou en français, mais les sessions bilingues sont
particulièrement appréciées.
Séances conjointes : Le congrès de la SCHPS se
déroule en même temps que ceux de plusieurs au-
tres sociétés membres de la FCSH, comme la Société
historique du Canada, l’Association canadienne de
philosophie, La Société Canadienne d’Histoire et de
Philosophie des Mathématiques, la Société canadienne
de sociologie, Womens and Gender Studies et Recher-
ches Féministes, et la Société canadienne d’histoire
de la médecine. Nous encourageons les propositions
de séances conjointes avec d’autres sociétés (merci de
bien préciser cela dans votre proposition). Cependant,
aucune communication ne peut être présentée à plus
d’une société.
Nombre de soumissions : Une personne ne peut sou-
mettre qu’un résumé de communication (c.-à-d. soit
pour une communication individuelle soit pour une
communication faisant partie d’une séance).
Soumissions : An de préserver l’anonymat des au-
teurs, aucune coordonnée personnelle ne doit être
incluse dans le chier contenant une proposition de
communication. Les propositions de communication
individuelle doivent comprendre un titre, un résumé
(entre 150 et 250 mots), une liste de mots clés, et,
dans le courriel les accompagnant, les coordonnées de
l’auteur. Les propositions de séance doivent compren-
dre le titre de la séance, les titres et résumés (entre 150
et 250 mots) de chaque contribution, une liste de mots
clés, et, dans le courriel les accompagnant, les noms et
coordonnées des auteurs et de l’organisateur de la sé-
ance. Les propositions doivent être soumises dans des
chiers de format MS Word, pdf, odt ou rtf.
Date limite de soumission : le 20 janvier 2017.
Adresse courriel pour les soumissions : program.
Présentateurs : Tous les présentateurs doivent être
membres de la SCHPS au moment du congrès. Pour
plus d’information sur l’inscription à la SCHPS,
consulter le site:
Prix étudiant : La SCHPS décerne le prix Richard
Hadden pour le meilleur texte étudiant présenté lors
du congrès. Les candidats qui souhaitent concourir
devront envoyer par courriel une copie de leur article
avant le 5 mai 2017. Pour plus d’information sur le
prix, voir:
Aide à la mobilité : attribuée pour se rendre à la Con-
férence annuelle de la SCHPS(
Les informations concernant l’inscription et les pos-
sibilités d’hébergement pour le congrès se trouveront
sur le site Internet du congrès de la FCSH: http://con-
Comité de programme (2016-2017):
Delia Gavrus, présidente (Winnipeg)
Robert Brain (UBC)
François Claveau (Sherbrooke)
Organisation locale: Jennifer Hubbard (Ryerson)
Canadian Society for
the History and
Philosophy of Science
Annual Conference /
Congs annuel de la
Société canadienne
d’histoire et de
philosophie des
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario
part of the Congress of the Humanities and
Social Sciences / dans le cadre du Congrès des
sciences humaines
The CSHPS invites scholars working on the
history and philosophy of science to submit
abstracts for individual papers or proposals for
sessions. Proposals for sessions (3 and 4 papers)
are particularly encouraged.
Proposals due: January 20, 2017
La SCHPS invite les historiens et philosophes des
sciences à soumettre un résumé pour une
communication individuelle ou une proposition de
séance. Les propositions de séances pour 3 ou 4
communications seront particulièrement
Date limite de soumission: 20 janvier 2017
Graduate students are eligible for the
Richard Hadden Prize for Best Student Paper.
Les étudiant(e)s gradués peuvent concourir pour
le prix Richard Hadden décerné au meilleur texte
More information/plus d’information:
Facebook: CSHPS - SCHPS
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