NFkB: “nuclear factor kappa-B”
NK: “natural killer”
NKR: “natural killer recepteur”
NKT cell: “natural killer T cell”
NLR: “Nod-like receptor”
NO: “nitric oxide”
Nod: “nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain”
PAF: “platelet-activating factor”
PAMP: “pathogen-associated molecular pattern”
PD-1: “programmed death-1”
PD-L: “programmed death – ligand”
PKR: “double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase”
polyIC: “polyinositic cytidilic acid”
PRR: “pattern recognition receptor”
RANK: “receptor activator of NF-kappa-B”
RANTES: “regulated upon activation, normally T-expressed and presumably secreted”
RBP-Jk: “recombination signal-binding protein 1 for J-kappa”
RE: réticulum endoplasmique
RIG-1: “retinoic acid-inducible gene 1”
RLR: “RIG-1-like receptor”
SAP: “SLAM-associated protein”
SARM: “sterile alpha motif and armadillo motif domain-containing protein”
SDF-1: “stromal cell-derived factor 1”
SHP2: phosphatase à domaine SH2
SLAM: “signalling lymphocyte activation molecule”
SLC: “secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine”
SMAC: “supramolecular activation cluster”
SP-A: “surfactant protein-A”
SR: “scavenger receptor”
STAT: “signal transducer and activator of transcription”
TAP: “transporter associated with antigen processing”
TARC: “thymus and activation-regulated chemokine”
TEM: lymphocytes T effecteurs-mémoires
TCM: lymphocytes T centraux-mémoires
TCR: “T-cell receptor”
TGF: “tissue growth factor”
Th1: lymphocyte T helper de type 1
Th2: lymphocyte T helper de type 2
TERT: “telomerase reverse transcriptase”
TIL: “tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte”
TIMP: “tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase”
TIR: “TLR / IL1R domain”
TIRAP: “TIR-domain-containing adaptor protein (= MAL)”
TLR: “toll-like receptor”
TNF: “tumor necrosis factor”
TNFR: “TNF receptor”
TRAIL: “TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand”
TRAM: “TRIF-related adaptor molecule (= TIRP ou TICAM-2)”
TRANCE: “TNF-related activation-induced cytokine”