As a clinician, you want to make it possible for your
patients to go to school, attend a ballgame, or just visit at
grandma’s house. Weighing only 11-pounds and featuring
a unique battery
system of internal
and easy-to-
swap detachable
batteries, Trilogy200
gives patients and
their families a new
level of freedom
and mobility.
Simpler to use
Clinicians and caregivers have enough to worry about
without having to deal with complicated ventilator
controls, which is why Trilogy200 features:
prescription for daytime and a second for when your
patient is sleeping
screens for the patient and caregiver
There are times when patients require changes in therapy. That’s why Trilogy200 has DirectView
reporting software, which streamlines reporting to help you identify adjustments necessary to maintain
effective treatment and improve patient care.
Breathe easier with
advanced monitoring A moving achievement
The Trilogy ventilator family
Trilogy200 is the second member of the Trilogy family of ventilators.
Its predecessor, Trilogy100, was the first homecare ventilator to
eliminate the need for a standard exhalation valve making the circuit
lightweight and reducing the number of connections. *
DirectView allows prescription management through the use of
a commonly available SD memory card.
DirectView advantages
* JaskoJ,WittC.AComparisonofVolumeControlVentilationDeliveredBytheTrilogy
Ventilator with a Passive Exhalation Device versus Conventional Mechanical Ventilators
with an Active Exhalation Device. Philips Respironics white paper, May 2009.
As a clinician, you want to make it possible for your
patients to go to school, attend a ballgame, or just visit at
grandma’s house. Weighing only 11-pounds and featuring
a unique battery
system of internal
and easy-to-
swap detachable
batteries, Trilogy200
gives patients and
their families a new
level of freedom
and mobility.
Simpler to use
Clinicians and caregivers have enough to worry about
without having to deal with complicated ventilator
controls, which is why Trilogy200 features:
prescription for daytime and a second for when your
patient is sleeping
screens for the patient and caregiver
There are times when patients require changes in therapy. That’s why Trilogy200 has DirectView
reporting software, which streamlines reporting to help you identify adjustments necessary to maintain
effective treatment and improve patient care.
Breathe easier with
advanced monitoring A moving achievement
The Trilogy ventilator family
Trilogy200 is the second member of the Trilogy family of ventilators.
Its predecessor, Trilogy100, was the first homecare ventilator to
eliminate the need for a standard exhalation valve making the circuit
lightweight and reducing the number of connections. *
DirectView allows prescription management through the use of
a commonly available SD memory card.
DirectView advantages
* JaskoJ,WittC.AComparisonofVolumeControlVentilationDeliveredBytheTrilogy
Ventilator with a Passive Exhalation Device versus Conventional Mechanical Ventilators
with an Active Exhalation Device. Philips Respironics white paper, May 2009.
As a clinician, you want to make it possible for your
patients to go to school, attend a ballgame, or just visit at
grandma’s house. Weighing only 11-pounds and featuring
a unique battery
system of internal
and easy-to-
swap detachable
batteries, Trilogy200
gives patients and
their families a new
level of freedom
and mobility.
Simpler to use
Clinicians and caregivers have enough to worry about
without having to deal with complicated ventilator
controls, which is why Trilogy200 features:
prescription for daytime and a second for when your
patient is sleeping
screens for the patient and caregiver
There are times when patients require changes in therapy. That’s why Trilogy200 has DirectView
reporting software, which streamlines reporting to help you identify adjustments necessary to maintain
effective treatment and improve patient care.
Breathe easier with
advanced monitoring A moving achievement
The Trilogy ventilator family
Trilogy200 is the second member of the Trilogy family of ventilators.
Its predecessor, Trilogy100, was the first homecare ventilator to
eliminate the need for a standard exhalation valve making the circuit
lightweight and reducing the number of connections. *
DirectView allows prescription management through the use of
a commonly available SD memory card.
DirectView advantages
* JaskoJ,WittC.AComparisonofVolumeControlVentilationDeliveredBytheTrilogy
Ventilator with a Passive Exhalation Device versus Conventional Mechanical Ventilators
with an Active Exhalation Device. Philips Respironics white paper, May 2009.
En tant que médecin, vous voulez permettre à vos patients de
se rendre à l’école, de voir un match ou simplement d’aller
visiter leur grand-mère. Avec un poids de 5 kg seulement
et un système de piles
internes et détachables,
le Trilogy200 donne aux
patients et à leur famille
un nouveau degré de
liberté et de mobilité.
Le Trilogy200 est le dernier né de la famille des ventilateurs Trilogy.
Son prédécesseur, le Trilogy100, était le premier ventilateur pour
soins à domicile éliminant le besoin d’une valve expiratoire ordinaire,
couplé à un circuit léger, et avec un nombre réduit de branchements. *
Le Trilogy202 comporte un mélangeur intégré apportant de l’oxygène
dans des concentrations entre 21 et 100 %.
La gamme de ventilateurs Trilogy
Plus facile d’emploi
Les médecins et les soignants ont assez à faire sans avoir
à être confrontés à des commandes compliquées;
c’est pourquoi le Trilogy200 a les fonctions suivantes :
• Des écrans simples, aux instructions claires et concises
• Une fonction prescription double, qui vous permet de régler
une prescription pour le jour, et une pour la nuit
• Une option relevée détaillée pour vous, et une option écrans
simplifiés pour le patient et le soignant
Un progrès libérateur
* Jasko J, Witt C. A Comparison of Volume Control Ventilation Delivered By the Trilogy
Ventilator with a Passive Exhalation Device versus Conventional Mechanical Ventilators
with an Active Exhalation Device. Livre blanc Philips Respironics, mai 2009.