Interim Management Market
It was in order to help (structuring) structure the market that several interim management
firms decided to create the FNMT.
"Interim Management" was born in the United States and the Netherlands in the 1970s.
In France, the activity first appeared in the late 1980s, and today knows a growing success.
The French market is currently estimated at approximately 300 to 350 million Euros with a
20% to 25% annual growth rate.
Most interim management projects are carried out at top executive and board of directors
levels. More precisely, 70 to 80% of the projects concern general management, finance,
human resources and industrial site management. The industry sector remains the biggest
consumer of interim management, with up to 60% of projects using. The remaining 40% is
shared between services and distribution.
Definition of Interim Management
Interim Management is the use of high-level external operational skills during a limited time
in order to accomplish a specific mission.
The reason why a company may use an interim manager varies:
Changing management and restructuring
Recovering of critical situations
Managing change or outsourcing a service
• Crisis Management
Vacancy (i.e. sudden departure, illness…)
• Development of activities: developing abroad, new product development, growth support...
• M & A
• Process improvements: new technology adoption, implementation of a new accounting
• Special projects: change of the group strategy, accompanying an IPO, setting up a reporting
or budget processing.
• Creation of a company (start-up)
These situations are exceptional and urgent. Thus, the very purpose of the interim
management lies in the rapid implementation of this solution.
The Interim Manager: A man of action
Interim management is more than just “temping”. Not only it strengthens the company's staff
during an agreed period but the outcome of the mission and the profile of the manager are
very different in our sector. The manager is "oversized" with respect to the mission. The
achievement of its objective is reached through a methodology defined with the firm.
"The temporary executive manages continuity, the interim manager manages
substantial change"
Interim management is not consulting. Interim managers are practitioners. They take action in
their missions, and integrate with company personnel, unlike the consultant who remains an
external actor.
"They roll up their sleeves and get to work"
Professional skills
There are several key skills required for an interim manager:
Solid experience: Professional experience is a key factor in the trade of transition
management. Indeed, the job profile shows at least 15 to 25 years of professional experience
in positions of high responsibility and, if possible, abroad.
Mobility: The tasks can be performed anywhere in France or abroad. Therefore, mobility
and total availability are required.
Adaptability: companies that use interim management are facing an emergency situation.
They need a manager who will be quickly 100% operational.
Leadership: An interim manager must be able to mobilize teams in tense situations.
Therefore, a natural authority is requested.
Orientation towards objectives and results: The interim manager is an independent
contributor, and thus must be able to quickly choose the solution generating more results. His
work is driven by contribution goals rather than politics.
Terms and cost
Remuneration of an interim manager:
The remuneration of an interim manager depends on his level of qualification, but is at least
80,000 annual gross salary. That said, salaries also vary according to the sector in which the
manager is involved and the type of mission it performs. The average pay of a manager is
often 120-150 000 € gross annual salary.
Methods of operation:
• Temporary Contract
You are an employee of the firm that has a temporary corporate status. The firm puts you at
the disposal of the customer and pays you.
• Fixed term contract (CDD)
For the duration of the mission, you are an employee of the firm who has taken responsibility
for the mission and pays you.
Umbrella company
You are an employee of the umbrella company that pays you and charges a fee to your client.
So you act independently without needed to create your own company.
• Independent
You can also exercise interim management as an independent profession by creating your
own company.
Why do this job?
The benefits of trade are many:
Autonomy: The interim manager remains with the company for a specified period, and so is
not part of its internal policy. It is free of all strategic considerations regarding his career and
can concentrate fully on his job.
Project mode: Each mission involves a new structure, new employees and a different issue.
Therefore each project brings new challenges, which makes it interesting and diverse career.
Intellectual challenge: In the interim management business, continuous education is an
essential part of the profession. The manager constantly gets new experiences and thus
develops technical skills and practices.
Time management: The manager has the freedom to seek and eventually reject available
projects. Therefore he can decide to take several months off between two assignments. Yet
this is another side of this status: there may be long undesired inter-contract periods.
Why do this job with a firm?
There are two ways to do this job: as an independent by creating your own company, or in
collaboration with a firm. The main advantages of the latter option, are related to the support
structure it represents for the manager and for customers.
Value of the firm's reputation: A firm constantly built its reputation and offers a "brand"
representing a quality standard. Firms that have joined the FNMT pledged to implement
professionalism process, quality, ethics and professional conduct. Working with one of these
firms allows the manager to take advantage of their reputation and support, which facilitates
obtaining missions.
Assignments Portfolio: Through its network, the firm is often able to offer you missions
that you would not get through your own network. Therefore, the firm helps you expand your
mission portfolio and contacts.
Project management: The interim manager is accompanied by a business advisor, who
gives him support and provides independent and objective perspective.
The team rather than the individual: This is an opportunity for the firm to provide a
multidisciplinary team in a business situation.
Code of Ethics and labeling
Conscious of its regulatory role in terms of ethics and behavior of its members, the FNMT has
early adopted a code of ethics. To remain a member of the FNMT, firms should continuously
prove their compliance with the nine points detailed in this code.
FNMT also adopted a certification process in order to establish quality standards and
responsible practices among its members. Firms should demonstrate, with the intervention of
an independent third party, their implementation in their organization of the best practices
defined in a common repository.
Today labeling is mandatory for active members of the FNMT, and annual audits
(certification and renewal) are conducted by Bureau Veritas Certification, an international
regulatory organization.
Labeling is therefore a continuous improvement tool for firms, that have the obligation to
remain in compliance with its requirements and its evolutions, in order to meet clear
commitments and be readable for customers, stakeholders and third parties.
This labeling is also a guarantee for the clients of firms and of course for interim managers.
Marché du Management de Transition
C’est pour contribuer à la structuration du marché que plusieurs cabinets de
management de transition ont décidé de créer la FNMT.
Le métier du « Management de Transition » est né aux Etats-Unis et aux Pays-Bas dans les
années 1970.
En France, l’activité est apparue à la fin des années 1980, et connaît à présent un succès
croissant. Le marché français est actuellement estimé à environ 300 à 350 millions d’€ et a un
taux de croissance annuel de 20% à 25%.
C’est dans le Top Management, au niveau du comité de direction, que les projets du
management de transition sont effectués. Plus précisément, 70%-80% des missions
concernent les fonctions de direction générale, financière, ressources humaines et industrielle.
L’industrie reste le secteur le plus consommateur de management de transition. 60% des
projets s’y déroulent. Les 40% restant sont partagés entre les services et la distribution.
Définition du Management de Transition
Le Management de Transition est le recours à des compétences opérationnelles externes de
haut niveau pour une durée limitée afin d’accomplir une mission spécifique. Les raisons pour
lesquelles une entreprise a recours à un manager de transition sont très variées :
redéploiement et restructuration
redressement de situations critiques
cessions d’activités, externalisation d’un service
gestion de crise
management relais (i.e. remplacement)
développement des activités: implantation à l’étranger, développement d’un nouveau
produit, accompagnement de la croissance…
fusion et acquisition
améliorations des processus: adoption d’une nouvelle technologie, mise en place d’un
nouveau système comptable ou informatique…
projets spécifiques : changement de stratégie du groupe, accompagnement d’une
entrée en bourse, mise en place d’un reporting ou d’un procès budgétaire
création de société (start-up)
Ces situations sont exceptionnelles et urgentes. Ainsi, l’objectif même du management de
transition repose dans la rapidité de la mise en œuvre de cette solution.
Le Manager de Transition : un homme d’action
Le management de transition est bien plus que de l’intérim, puisqu’il ne s’agit pas uniquement
de renforcer le personnel de l’entreprise pour une durée convenue. L’aboutissement des
missions ainsi que le profil du manager, sont différents. Le manager est « surdimensionné »
par rapport à la mission. La réalisation de son objectif se fait grâce à une méthodologie définie
avec le cabinet.
« Le cadre en intérim gère la continuité, le manager de transition gère le changement »
Le management de transition n’est pas du conseil. Ce sont des hommes de terrain. Du conseil,
ils passent à l’action lors de leurs missions, et s’intègrent au personnel de l’entreprise,
contrairement au consultant qui reste un acteur externe.
« Ils relèvent leurs manches et se mettent au travail »
Compétences professionnelles
Il y a plusieurs compétences clés requises pour un manager de transition :
Expérience solide: Les expériences professionnelles sont un facteur clé dans le métier
du management de transition. En effet, le profil recherché démontre au moins 15 25
années d’expérience professionnelle dans des postes à forte responsabilité, et, si
possible, à l’international.
Mobilité : Les missions peuvent s’effectuer partout en France, ou à l’international. Par
conséquent, une mobilité et une disponibilité totale sont indispensables.
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