Abstract :
Researches in neuropsychology have been brought to evidence that there are
many underlying processes in the comprehension of writing, that condition the
access to the way of reading. GIASSON (2011) speaks of, in his theoretical model of
the existence of five processes, which are fragmented into different skills, necessary
to access the meaning of written text. It might be usefull to identify during a specific
evaluation of those faulty in order to propose a targeted therapy.
Due to a lack of such material, we have elaborated a test isolating each of
these underlying processes in the comprehension of writing in children and
teenagers enroled in the grades four to the third. We have envisioned an evaluation
using the incorporative approach : the proposed exercises will take part during and
after the reading test.
The test is articulated around the enigma that the child must resolve in reading
written texts and answering different questions. The data is digitalized and gives the
occasion to the child to take part in his evaluation.
We presented this test to eight patients as well as nine speech therapists. The
goal is not to accumalate statistics but to get criticisms about this relevance.
Even if the test is still too long and has to be subjected to too many
modifications, the speech therapists are in accordance with its utillity and
appreciative with the attractive side of this digitalized and actual evaluation tool.
Keywords :
Neuropsychology – Comprehension – Reading – Evaluation – Child