Bibliographie :
• J.C. Kastelik, S. Dupont, K. Yushkov, J. Gazalet “Frequency and angular bandwidth of acousto-optic deflectors
with ultrasonic walk-off “ Ultrasonics, 53 (1), p. 219-224 (2013)
• M. Bürmen, F. Pernuš, and B. Likar, "Spectral Characterization of Near-Infrared Acousto-optic Tunable Filter
Hyperspectral Imaging Systems Using Standard Calibration Materials," Appl. Spectrosc. 65, 393-401 (2011)
• Z. He, R. Shu and J. Y. Wang, "Imaging spectrometer based on AOTF and its prospects in deep-space exploration
application", Proc. SPIE, 819625 (2011)
• N. Savage « Acousto-optic devices » Nature Photonics 4, 728-729 (2010)
• K. B. Yushkov, S. Dupont, J-C Kastelik, and V. B. Voloshinov, "Polarization-independent imaging with an
acousto-optic tandem system," Opt. Lett. 35, 1416-1418 (2010)
• J. Ward, M. Farries, C. Pannell and E. Wachman, "An acousto-optic based hyperspectral imaging camera for
security and defence applications", Proc. SPIE, 78350 (2010)
• J.C. Kastelik, K. Yushkov, S. Dupont, V. Voloshinov “Cascaded acousto-optical system forthe modulation of
unpolarized light " Optics express
17(15) , p.12767
• J.C Kastelik, H. Benaissa, S. Dupont, M. Pommeray “Acousto-optic tunable filter side-lobe reduction using double
interaction “, Applied Optics, 48 (7), pp.C4-C10 (2009)
• V. B. Voloshinov and N. V. Polikarpova, "Acousto-optic investigation of propagation and reflection of acoustic
waves in paratellurite crystal," Appl. Opt. 48, C55-C66 (2009)
Profil du candidat souhaité : Optique, photonique, physique, électronique