e present thesis investigates fundamental connections between thermody-
namics and quantum information theory. e starting point is Landauer’s
principle: Irreversible information processing cannot be carried out without
some inevitable thermodynamical work cost.
First, existing frameworks for studying the thermodynamics of quan-
tum systems in the nite-size regime are discussed. It is shown that two
mainstream frameworks, an operational framework called “thermal opera-
tions” and the mathematically more convenient “Gibbs-preserving maps,”
are nonequivalent, and we comment on this gap.
ese models serve as a basis to derive a new, fully information-theoretic
framework which generalizes the above by making further abstraction of
physical quantities such as energy. It is technically convenient to work with,
and reproduces known results for nite-size quantum thermodynamics.
We apply our new framework to answer the question of determining
the minimal work cost of implementing any logical process. e answer
is given in terms of information-theoretic properties of the logical process.
In the simpler case of information processing on memory registers with a
degenerate Hamiltonian, the answer is given by the max-entropy, a measure
of information known from quantum information theory. In the general
case, we obtain a new information measure, the coherent relative entropy,
which generalizes both the conditional entropy and the relative entropy. It
satises a collection of properties which justies its interpretation as a new
kind of entropy measure and which connects it to known quantities.
en, we turn to large systems and study how we can recover macro-
scopic thermodynamics. From our framework, macroscopic thermodynam-
ics emerges by typicality, aer singling out a class of thermodynamic states
parametrized by thermodynamic variables taking values in a continuous
range in an appropriate limit. ese states are assumed to be singled out
by some appropriate physical reason, such as equilibration or by symmetry
properties. A natural thermodynamic potential emerges, dictating possible