In the context of minority and religious pluralism, Islamic practices and religiously inspired
practices by Muslims cannot be regarded anymore as being simply reflective of their
particular religious traditions, but have to be always investigated in their relation to the non-
Muslim Other. One aspect which stands particular out here is how these practices often
become entrenched, in one way or the other, in a quest for recognition. This presentation
examines pious Muslim cultural and artistic practices on stage in urban Britain, whether in the
context of specific Muslim events or at broader multi-cultural events. An analysis of these
events reveals strongly how practices which initially have emerged in a framework of
addressing Muslim youth to uphold their faith in a minority context also sought increasingly
to represent Muslims in a valorising way to the non-Muslim Other. This shift has not only
impacted on the styles of the artistic genres but has also enabled an artistic cooperation which
resituates Muslim artists within a pluralist cultural and artistic field.
Dans le contexte de minorité et de pluralisme religieux, des pratiques islamiques ainsi
que d'autres pratiques d'inspiration religieuse ne peuvent pas être regardé comme reflétant
leurs traditions religieuses, mais doivent être toujours examinées par rapport à leur relation
à l'Autre non-musulman. Un aspect qui semble particulièrement important dans ce contexte
est la façon dont ces pratiques sont souvent entremêlées dans des quêtes de reconnaissance.
Cette présentation examinera des pratiques artistiques et culturelles sur scène mises en place
par des musulmans pieux dans des villes britanniques, dans des milieux islamiques et à
l'occasion des événements 'multi-culturels'. Une analyse de ces événements révèle à quel
point des pratiques qui ont émergé à l'origine dans un contexte inter-islamique s'adressent
progressivement à un public plus large, cherchant à représenter l'islam d'une façon
valorisante. Ce changement n'a pas eu un impact sur les styles des genres artistiques, mais
re-positionne ces artistes à l'intérieur d'un champ artistique et culturel pluraliste.
"The Shaikh Agreed with my Decision" – Structures of Authority among Muslims in
Switzerland // "Le shaykh est d'accord avec ma décision" – Structures de l'autorité chez des
musulmans en Suisse
BLEISCH BOUZAR, Petra (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
During a recent interview, a Swiss Sufi woman told me about the hesitation of one of her
"sisters in Islam", to marry a considerably younger Libyan man. Although her friends strongly
opposed this relationship, she finally decided in favour of the wedding and legitimated her
decision with the accordance she obtained by sms text message from a Cyprian expert on
spiritual development. In Switzerland, Muslims do not only live within a pluralistic
environment, but are confronted with a variety of cultural traditions as well as interpretations
of Islamic sources and their respective representatives. Based on field studies of Muslim
women, the paper raises the question: how religious authority is constructed and referred to in
different areas of life. Two approaches will be used; (1) Focusing on processes of
subjectivation, types and spheres of authority represented by shaykhs, imams, parents, friends
and non-muslims are described, analysing processes of validation and legitimation. (2)
Cognitive theories will be applied in order to understand more of the mechanisms involved in
the individual ascriptions of authority, both in its charismatic and more routinized forms.
En Suisse, les musulmans ne vivent pas seulement dans un environnement pluraliste,
mais expérimentent une divergence d'interprétation des sources islamiques et une variété