PERMANENT ADDRESS: 1975, Place J.A. Lemire, Trois-Rivières, Qbec G8Y 4X3 (Canada)
OFFICIAL ADDRESS: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivres, partement de Philosophie, Trois-Rivières,
Québec, Canada G9A 5H7
PHONE and fax: (819) 379-8942 (home)
PHONE:1 (819) 379-5011 -extension 3191 (office) 1 (819) 376- 5013 (department)
FAX: 1 (819) 373- 1988 (university)
PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Braine l'Alleud, Belgium, the 10th of march 1949
MARITAL STATUS: married, four children
ELECTRONIC MAIL: Daniel_Vanderveken@uqtr.uquebec.ca
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: French, English and Portuguese
Since 1984: Full Professor at the Université du Qbec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
Since 1999: Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Communication of UQTR
Summer 2002: Visiting Professor at the Research Institute of Computer Science (IRIT) at Toulouse
Summers 1999, 1995 and 1992: Visiting Research Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley
1997- 98: CNPQ Visiting Researcher at the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence of Ceara Federal University at
From 1983 till 1997: Director of the Research Group in Analytic Philosophy of UQTR
Winter 1991 : Visiting Professor at the Collège international de Philosophie (Paris)
Autumn 1990 : Visiting Professor at the Center of Logic of the university of Campinas (Sao Paulo)
October 1989 : Guest of the Soviet Academy of Science (Moscow and Siberia)
1982-1983 : Director of the Research Laboratory in analytic philosophy at UQTR
Summer 1981 : Visiting Professor at the Winter Linguistic Institute of the University of Campinas (São Paulo)
1980-1981 : Director of the Research Laboratory in Epistemology of Human Sciences at U.Q.T.R.
Since 1977 : Professor at the department of philosophy at UQTR. (Tenure obtained in 1980)
1976-1977 : Post-doctoral Research Fellow of Berkeley Institute of Humanities at the Department of
Philosophy of the University of California at Berkeley
1975-1976 : NATO Scientific researcher in the group in Logic and Methodology of Science and the
department of philosophy of the University of California at Berkeley
Autumn 1974: Fullbright visiting researcher at Berkeley
1971-1975 : Researcher at the Belgium National Science Foundation (Fonds National Belge de la Recherche
Scientifique )
1970-1971 : Assistant Professor at the Facul des Sciences Economiques et Sociales de l'Universi Catholique
de Louvain
- At the Facul de Philosophie et Lettres of the Universi Catholique de Louvain:
Phd in philosophy with the greatest distinction in March 1974
Title of the Phd thesis:
Foundations of the Formal Semantics of Pragmatic Languages
MA in Philosophy with the greatest distinction in September 1970
Title of the MA memoir:
The Problem of Meaning in Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico philosophicus
Director of memoir and Phd thesis: Professor J. Ladrière
Philosophical and mathematical logic, Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Action and Mind and
Speech Act Theory, Semantics and Pragmatics, Universal Grammar, Discourse Analysis, the Theory of
Success, Satisfaction and Truth, the Logic of Propositions, Illocutionary and Intensional logic, Semiotics,
Artificial Intelligence
My investigations in logic and philosophy have been supported by the Fullbright Foundation, the Francqui
Foundation, the Fonds National Belge de la Recherche Scientique, the Administration Council of Facultés
Universitaires Saint-Louis (Brussels), the Institute of Humanities of the University of California at Berkeley, the
U.S. National Science Foundation, the NATO Scientific Committee, the FCAR Foundation pour l'Aide et le
Soutien à la Recherche du Québec, the Communau Scientifique Réseau and the Fonds Institutionnel de
Recherche of the University of Qbec, the Social Sciences and Humanities, the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Councils of Canada, the Canadian Ministery of National Defence and the FAPESP and
CNPQ Foundations of Brasil.
Prof. Nuel Belnap, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Philosophy, PA 15260, USA email (email
Prof. Marcelo Dascal, University of Tel Aviv, PO Box 296, Kiron, 55000 Israel (email
Prof. Steven Davis, University Simon Fraser, Department of Philosophy, Burnuby, BA, Canada (email Steven-
Prof. Paul Gochet, 78 Boulevard Louis Schmidt, Bruxelles, B-1040, Belgique (email
Prof. Raymond Klibansky, Mc Gill University, Department of Philosophy, Leacocke Building, 865 Sherbrooke
West, Montreal, Canada H3A 2T7 (email egroffier@sympatico.ca)
Prof. John Searle, University of California, Department of Philosophy, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
(email Searle@cogsci.berkeley.edu)
A. Books in preparation
- Propositions, Truth and Though
A new Formulation of Philosophical Logic, intended for SLAP series
at Kluwer
Communication in Discourse
, Principles of Semantics and Pragmatics, intended for Bradford Books at
MIT Press
B. Actual books
- Editor of
Logic, Thought and Action
, forthcoming soon at Kluwer
- Guest editor of the special issue 216 Searle with his Replies of
Revue internationale de Philosophie
, 135
pages, 2001
- Editor with S. Kubo of
Essays in Speech Act Theory
, John Benjamins, Amsterdam Philadelphia, in press,
345 pages, 2001
- A Japanese translation of the first volume of
Meaning and Speech Acts
, edited by S. Kubo, Hitsuji
Shobou Saitama, Tokyo, 320 pages, 1997
Principles of Speech Act Theory
, with a Japanese translation and editorial comments by S. Kubo, Tokyo,
Shohakusha, 242 pages, 1995
Meaning and Speech Acts
, Volume 2:
Formal Semantics of Success and Satisfaction
, Cambridge
University Press, 196 pages, 1991
Meaning and Speech Acts
, Volume 1:
Principles of Language Use
, Cambridge University Press, 244
pages, 1990. Chapter 4: On the Logical Form of Illocutionary Acts has been reedited in A. Kasher (ed.),
Critical Concepts, Volume 2
Speech Act Theory
, Routledge, London, pp 170-194, 1998
Les Actes de Discours
, Essai de philosophie du langage et de l'esprit sur la signification des
énonciations, Editions Pierre Mardaga, Liège, Bruxelles, 226 pages, 1988
A Portuguese Translation
Os Atos do Discurso
made by Candida Jaci de Sousa Melo has been submitted to
the Editora da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. It contains a new chapter 7: Analyse do performativo
em portugues, written with Danilo Marcondes.
A similar Spanish translation
Significado y Actos de Habla
made by Rodriguez Marqueze is forthcoming at
Editorial Labor SE, Barcelona.
- With John R. Searle,
Foundations of Illocutionary Logic
, Cambridge University Press, 228 pages, 1985,
second and third editions in 1987 and 1989 A Russian translation of Chapter 2: Basic Notions of a Calculus of
Speech Acts has been published in V. Petrov (ed.), ΗОВОЕ В ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ ЛИНГВИСТИКЕ
News in Linguistics from Abroad: The logical
Analysis of Natural Language
, Progres, Moscow, pp. 242-263, 1986
C. Chapters in collective books
- “Searle on Meaning and Action” in G. Grewendorf & G. Meggle (eds) Speech Acts, Mind and Social
Reality Discussions with Searle, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Kluwer, pp141-61, 2002
- "Success, Satisfaction and Truth in the Logic of Speech Acts and Formal Semantics",
, Universi du Québec à Montréal, no 9909, 42 pages, 1999, forthcoming in S. Davis & B.
Gillan (eds),
A Reader in Semantics
, Oxford University Press
- with S. Kubo, Introduction, in D. Vanderveken & S. Kubo (eds.),
Essays in Speech Act Theory
, op. cit. ,
pp 1-21, 2001
- “Lontologie formelle et la théorie de la vérité selon la prédication propres à la logique illocutoire” in
Jean-Fraois Malherbe (dir) La responsabilité de la raison Hommage à Jean Ladrière Éditions de
l’Institut Supérieur de Philosophie Éditions Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve Louvain Paris, p 261-82, 2002
- « Logique illocutoire, grammaire universelle et pragmatique du discours », in J. Bernicot & A. Trognon
(eds), Pragmatique et psychologie, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp 33- 56, 2002
- “Universal Grammar and Speech Act Theory”, in
Essays in Speech Act Theory
, op. cit. , pp 25-62, 2001
- with B. Chaib-draa, "Agent Communication Language: Toward a Semantics Based on Success, Satisfaction
and Recursion", in J. Muller, M.P. Singh & A..R. Rao (eds.),
Intelligent Agent V,
ATAL 98, Springer Verlag,
Berlin, pp 362-78, 1999
- Introduction and “Formal Ontology, Propositional Identity and Truth according to Predication” forthcoming
in D. Vanderveken (ed.),
Logic, Thought and Action
, op. cit.
- "La structure logique des dialogues intelligents", in B. Moulin & als (ed.),
Analyse et simulation des
De la théorie des actes de discours aux systèmes multi-agents, Collection Informatique,
L'Interdisciplinaire, pp 61-100, 1999
-"Sémantique Pragmatique", in R. Klibansky & J. Ayoub (eds.),
La pensée philosophique d'expression
française au Canada
, Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec, pp. 289-360, 1998
- "Quantification and the Logic of Generalized Propositions", in C. Martinez, U. Rivas & L. Villegas (eds.),
Truth in Perspective: Recent Issues in Logic, Representation and Ontology
, Averbury Series in
Philosophy, Ashgate, pp. 137-158, 1997
- "La logique illocutoire et l'analyse du discours", in D. Luzzati et al. (eds.),
Le Dialogique
, Peter Lang, Berne,
pp 59-94, 1997
- "Illocutionary Force", in M. Dascal, D. Gerhardus, K. Lorenz & G. Meggle (eds.),
Sprach philosophie,
Philosophy of Language, la philosophie du Langage
, An International Handbook of Contemporary
Research, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, pp. 1359-1371, 1996
- "A New Formulation of the Logic of Propositions", in M. Marion & R. Cohen (eds.),
Québec Studies in
the Philosophy of Science
, Volume 1,
Logic, Mathematics and Physics
, Boston Studies in Philosophy
of Science, pp. 95-105, Kluwer
- "L'analyse de la forme logique des propositions généralisées", in J. Dubucs & F. Lepage (eds.),
logiques pour les Sciences cognitives
, Paris, Hermes, pp. 295-326, 1995
- "A Complete Formulation of a Simple Logic of Elementary Illocutionary Acts", in S.L. Tsohatzidis (ed.),
Foundations of Speech Act Theory
, Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, London & New York,
Routledge, pp. 99-131, 1994
- Interview in Italian by Rita Melillo,
Ka-Kanata Pluralismo Philosophico
, Volume 2, Michele di Serino, Pro
Press, pp. 172-176, 1993
- "La forme logique des contenus propositionnels de nos pensées conceptuelles" in F. Lepage & D. Laurier
Essais sur le Langage et l'Intentionalité
, Bellarmin, Montréal et Vrin, Paris, pp. 283-305, 1992
- "Non Literal Speech Acts and Conversational Maxims", dans E. LePore & R. Van Gulick (eds.),
John Searle
and his Critics
, Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 371-84, 1991
- "Propositional Identity and Conceptual Thought", in Carlos Martin Vide (ed.),
Lenguajes naturales y
lengujes formales
, Volume VI.1, Barcelone, PPU, pp. 23-48, 1991
- "On the Unification of Speech Act Theory and Formal Semantics", in P. Cohen, C. Morgan & M. Pollack
Intentions in Communication
, Bradford Books, M.I.T. Press, pp. 195-220, 1990
- « HeбуквалЬные речевые акты » "Non Literal Speech Acts" (in Russian), in I. Poljakov (ed.),
Conceptualisation and Sense
, Nauka, Moscow, Novosibirsk, pp. 34-61, 1990
- "La Logique illocutionnaire", in Sylvain Auroux (ed.),
Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle
, Volume 2,
Les notions philosophiques Dictionnaire, Paris, P.U.F., 1990
- "Les différentes espèces de forces illocutoires et les différents modes d'accomplissement d'actes de discours",
in P. Léon and P. Perron (eds.),
Le Dialogue
, Didier Canada, 1985, pp. 37-46
- "What is an Illocutionary Force?", in M. Dascal (ed.),
Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Study
, Amsterdam,
John Benjamins, 1985, pp. 185-207
- "Illocutionary Logic and Self-defeating Speech Acts", in J. Searle, F. Kiefer & M. Bierwisch (eds.),
Act Theory and Pragmatics
, Dordrecht, Reidel, 1980, pp 247-272
D. Papers in Journals
- “Formal Ontology, Propositional Identity and Truth Conditions”,
Cahiers d’Épistémologie,
no 294,
Université du Québec à Montréal, 40 pages, 2003-03 forthcoming soon in D. Vanderveken (ed)
Thought and Action
at Kluwer
- “Attempt and Action Generation Towards the Foundations of the Logic of Action”
no 293, Université du Qbec à Montréal, 49 pages, 2003-02
- "Attempt, Success and Action Generation", in the special issue on Mental Causation of Manuscrito, Vol
XXV,no 1, 2002
- “Présentation de Searle” in the special issue 216 Searle with his Replies of the
Revue internationale de
, pp 3-10, 2001
- "Illocutionary Logic and Discourse Typology" in the same issue 216 of the
Revue internationale de
, pp. 81-93, 2001
- “The Basic Logic of Action”,
Cahier d’Épistémologie
, no 9907, Universidu Québec à Montréal, 40
pages, 1999
- “Speech Act Theory and Universal Grammar”, in a special issue of
on Logic, Epistemology
and History of Science, Volume XXII, no 2, pp. 445-468, 1999
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