16 - Delaporte E., Peeters M., Durand J.P., Josse R., Trebucq A., Merlin M., Schrijvers
D., Bedjabaga L., Honore C., Dupont A. (1988)
Infection by HTLVI among populations of four countries in Central Africa.
IIIe Internat. Conf. on AIDS and associated cancer in Africa.
ARUSHA, (Tanzania), 16-16 September.
17 - Kaptue L., Durand J.P., Zekeng L., Merlin M., Garrigue G., Josse R., Monny Lobe
M. (1988)
HIV2 survey in Cameroon.
IVe Internat. Conf. on AIDS, 12-16 June, Poster N° 5536.
18 - Kaptue L., Monny Lobe M., Zekeng L., Fabresse F., Durand J.P., Fotso J. (1988)
Clinical aspects of AIDS in Cameroon.
IVe Internt. Conf. on AIDS, Poster n° 5030.
STOCKHOLM, 12-16 June
19 - Josse R., Delaporte E., Kouka Bemba D., Kaptue L., Merlin M., Miehakanda J.,
Trebucq A., Durand J.P., Dupont A., Georges A. (1988)
Continuing studies on seroepidemiological surveys of HIV infection in Central Africa:
about 35 sample survey.
IVe Internat. Conf. on AIDS, Poster N° 5033.
STOCKHOLM, 12-16 June
20 - Kaptue L., Zekeng L., Monny Lobe M., Ossondo-Nlom M., Mbakop A., Lando M.,
Durand J.P., Garrigue G. (1988)
HIV antibodies screening in at risk group in Yaounde (Cameroon).
IIIe Internat. Conf. on AIDS and associated cancer in Africa.
ARUSHA, (Tanzania), 16-16 September.
21 - Durand J.P., Le Guenno B., Galat-Luong A., Galat G., Diallo B., Ferrara L.,
Chateau R., Legros F., Digoutte J.P., Barre-Sinoussi F. (1990)
SIV chez les singes sauvages du Sénégal :
-Isolement de cinq souches de SIVagm chez les cercopithèques.
-Résultats de l'étude sérologique d'un millier de sérums simiens.
Vème Conf. Inter. sur le SIDA en Afrique,
KINSHASA, 10-12 Oct.
22 - Saksena N.K., Muller M., Deslandres A., Durand J.P, Lang M.C., Digoutte J.P.,
Barre-Sinoussi F.(1990)
Molecular studies of Patas viral isolates from Senegal.
VI Intern. Conf. on AIDS,
SAN FRANCISCO, 20-24 June.