> Delegations will consist of 6 at 16 players : You can inscribe 0, 1 or 2 players by category. This
year we add a new category. One team must be represented in 6 categories at least.
Players been born 1998 and 1999
Junior been born 1996 and 1997
Younger children been born 1994 and 1995
Cadet been born 1992 and 1993
> The picture (board) will include 16 delegations among which 10 foreigners.
> The competition will take place on 16 tables.
> Accommodation in hotels.
We shall make for you 2 propositions either Formula 1, or typical hotel ** NN
> A complete file will reach you informed in March 2007.
Coupon answer
To return by January 15th, 2007
The delegation of _______________________________________ _____ will participate in 3rd
International young of Alsace of table tennis who (which) will take place on June 09th and 10th, 2007
in St Louis's Sportenum.
The delegation will consist of ____ players (M) and ___ players (F) and of ________ companions.
Coordinates of the person in charge:
Name: ________________________________ First name: __________________________________
Send: ___________________________________________________________
_________________________ _______________________________________
CP: _______________________________________ _______________________________________
City: _____________________
Phone: __________________________
Fax: __________________________
E-mail: __________________________
Made in ______________________, the ______________________ Signature :
To return before January 15th, 2007 in:
Ligue d’Alsace de tennis de table
Monsieur Damien LOISEAU
5, rue du Parc
Tél : +333. ou +336.
Fax : +333.