VERBENACEAE Adans. (Verbena L.)
ZINGIBERACEAE Adans. (Zingiber Boehmer)
ZIZIPHACEAE Adans. (Ziziphus Muller)
APG II (2003) prend comme point de départ Genera Plantarum de Jussieu (1789) : « The list
reflects a starting date for all flowering plant family names as 4 Aug. 1789 (Jussieu, Genera
Les Mémoires Scientifiques du Sénégal publient une liste corrigée de l’APG II avec comme
point de départ Familles des Plantes http://apg.adanson.free.fr. Seuls les noms de familles
décrits avant Jussieu (pré-1789) qu’il est légitime de conserver sont ceux de Michel Adanson
(Mugnier, 2005).
Adanson M. 1963. Familles des Plantes (Vincent ed.). Paris. France. 640 p.
APG. 1998. An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants. Ann. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 85: 531-553 (abstract and outline available at :
APG II. Bremer B., Bremer K., Chase M.W., Reveal J.L., Soltis D.E., Soltis P.S., and Stevens
P.F. 2003. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and
families of flowering plants: APG II. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (4) : 399-436.
Code International de Nomenclature Botanique (CINB). International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature (ICBN). 1987. Adopted by the Fourtheenth International Botanical Congress,
Berlin. (Greuter W. ed.) Koeltz Scientific Books; Königstein, Germany. 328 p.
Jussieu A.-L. 1789. Genera Plantarum Secundum Ordines Naturales. Paris. 498 p. ->
Mugnier J. 1998. Molecular evolution and phylogenetic implications of ITS sequences in
plants and in fungi. In Molecular Variability of Fungal Pathogens : 253-277 (P. Bridge, Y.
Couteaudier and J. Clarkson eds). CAB International.
Mugnier J. 2000. La nouvelle classification des plantes à fleurs. Pour la Science : 52-59. ->
Mugnier J. 2004. Attempting computer analysis of the Adanson’s plant families : an historical
basis for numerical taxonomy. First International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Meeting Paris.
Mugnier J. 2005. Only pre-Jussieu (pre-1789) plant family names that had to be accepted are
those from Adanson (1763, Familles des Plantes) XVII International Botanical Congress Vienna
Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Chase, M.W., Mort, M.E., Albach, T.D., Zanis, M.,
Savolaninen, V., Hahn, W.H., Hoot, S.B., Fay, M.F., Axtell, M., Swensen, S.M., Prince,
L.M., Kress, W.J., Nixon, K.C., and Farris, J.S. (2000). Angiosperm phylogeny inferred
from 18S rDNA, rbcL, and atpB sequences. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 133
: 381-461 (available online at http://www.idealibrary.com).
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