2017/03/30 21:12 1/3 Emmanuel FROMAGER - Teaching
Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique - https://quantique.u-strasbg.fr/
Emmanuel FROMAGER - Teaching
I am teaching theoretical chemical physics at both University of Strasbourg and the “École
européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux ” (ECPM).
Here are some notes related to lectures I gave on electronic structure theory at winter
and summer schools:
"Investigating rigorous combinations of wave function and density-functional theories", Winter school
in Theoretical Chemistry, december 2010, Helsinki, Finland.
"Combining wave function and density-functional theories by means of range separation: progress
report", Winter school in Theoretical Chemistry, december 2010, Helsinki, Finland.
"Hartree-Fock approximation and short-range electron correlation in quantum chemistry", june 2012,
Les Houches, France.
"Introduction to multiconfigurational quantum chemistry", june 2012, Les Houches, France.
"Introduction to second quantization", June 2015, ISTPC, Aussois, France.
"Multiconfigurational self-consistent field", June 2015, ISTPC, Aussois, France.
"Time-dependent linear response theory", June 2015, ISTPC, Aussois, France.
Lecture notes on advanced quantum chemistry (M2 CPM/CI)
"Introduction to advanced quantum chemistry"
"Second quantization"
"HF and post-HF methods"
"Introduction to multiconfigurational quantum chemistry"
"Introduction to density-functional theory"
"Discussion on quantum chemical methods"
Tutorials (solutions) on advanced quantum chemistry (M2 CPM/CI)
"Second quantization"
"Dissociation of H2 in a minimal basis"
"Size-consistency problem in the H2 dimer (minimal basis)"
"Exam 2015-2016 with solution"
Notes de cours sur la mécanique quantique (M1)
"Mécanique Newtonienne du point : les idées clés"
"Introduction à la mécanique ondulatoire"
"Outils mathématiques de la mécanique quantique : espace des états et notations de Dirac"
"Outils mathématiques de la mécanique quantique : produit scalaire, opérateurs hermitiens, valeur et
vecteur propres"
"Équation de Schrödinger dépendante du temps"
"Théorie des perturbations indépendantes du temps (english version)"
"Principe variationnel et application : la méthode de Hückel"
"Introduction au calcul ab initio de la structure électronique : l'approximation de Hartree-Fock"
Compléments de mécanique quantique (M1)
"Moment cinétique en mécanique quantique"