Langue française
La discussion du langage intérieur par L.S. Vygotskij
Janette Friedrich
Janette Friedrich : Vygotskij's discussion of interior language
For Vygotskij (1896-1934), interior language is a completely specific and original verbal activity both in its functioning and in its
structure. From this has arisen a predominantly psycho-genetic exploration of V.'s hypotheses, which I shall analyse in this study
beginning with statements of Gombert, Knobloch, and Rochex. Contrasted with this is the internal, more linguistically inspired,
approach, whose main representatives are Jakubinskij and Jakobson. In this debate Vygotskij is presented as being primarily
preoccupied by the forms of language, as can be seen from his discussions with the Wurzburg school, Buhler, Stanislavskij, and
Citer ce document / Cite this document :
Friedrich Janette. La discussion du langage intérieur par L.S. Vygotskij. In: Langue française, n°132, 2001. La parole
intérieure. pp. 57-71;
doi : https://doi.org/10.3406/lfr.2001.6315
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