Since the proof is complicated, we divide it into several parts.
To begin with, for any topological space X, we let t(X)be the set of all nonempty irreducible
closed subset of X. If Yis a closed subset of X, then t(Y)⊂t(X). Furthermore, t(Y1)∪t(Y2) =
t(Y1∪Y2)and ∩it(Yi) = t(∩iYi). So we can dene a topology on t(X)by taking as closed sets
the subset of the form t(Y). Let f:X1→X2be a continuous map of topological spaces. We let
t(f) : t(X1)→t(X2)be the map sending an irreducible closed subset of X1to the closure of its
image in X2.It is easy to verify that t(f)is continuous. Therefore we have a fnuctor tfrom the
category of topological spaces to the category of topological spaces. Furthermore, let α:X→t(X)
be the map P7→ {P}. Note that α−1(t(Y)) = Y. Therefore αis continuous and its induces a
bijection between the set of closed subsets of t(X)and the set of closed subsets of X.
Now for any variety Vover the algebraically closed eld k, let OVbe the sheaf of regular
functions on V. We rst assume that Vis an ane variety. Let Abe its coordinate ring and
X= Spec A. We dene a morphism of ringed spaces β: (V, OV)→Xas follows: for each point
P∈V, let β(P) = mP. Then βis continuous. For any open set Uof Spec A, and for any section
s∈ OX(U), let β♭
U(s) : β−1(U)→kbe the function sending a point P∈β−1(U)to the image of
s(mP)in kunder the map AmP→AmP/mP∼
=k. It is easy to check that β♭
U(s)is a regular function
on β−1(U). Therefore we get a morphism of ringed spaces. Note that βis homemorphism from V
to the set of all closed points of X.
Now we dene γ: (t(V), α∗OV)→Xas follows: for each irreducible closed subset Zof V,
Z=V(p)for some prime ideal pof Aand we let γ(Z) = p. Then γis a homeomorphism.
Proposition 2.2. Let Vbe a projective variety with homogeneous coordinate ring S. Then t(V)∼
Proj S.
Proposition 2.3. (1) Let Vbe a variety over the algebraically closed eld k. A point P∈t(V)is
a closed point if and only if its residue eld is k.
(2) If f:X→Yis a morphism of schemes over k, and if P∈Xis a point with residue eld
k, then f(P)∈Yalso has residue eld k.
(3) If V, W are any two varieties over k, then the natural map
HomVar(V, W )→HomSch/k(t(V), t(W))
is bijective.
Denition 2.4. A scheme (X, OX)is reduced if for every open set U⊂X, the ring OX(U)has
no nilpotent elements.
Proposition 2.5. (1) A scheme is reduced if and only if all its stalk has no nilpotent elements.
(2) Let (X, OX)be a scheme. Let (OX)red be the sheaf associated to the presheaf U7→ OX(U)red,
where for any ring A, we denote by Ared the quotient of Aby its ideal of nilpotent elements. Then
(X, (OX)red)is a scheme. We call it the reduced scheme associated to X, and denote it by
Xred. There is a morphism of schemes Xred →X, which is a homeomorphism on the underlying
topological spaces.
(3) Let f:X→Ybe a morphism of schemes, and assume that Xis reduced. There is a unique
morphism g:X→Yred such that fis obtained by composing gwith the natural map Yred →Y.
Proof. (1) is trivial.
(2) For the rst statement, we can assume X= Spec Ais ane and we claim that (X, (OX)red)∼
Spec A/√0. It is easy to verify that for any x=∈X,((OX)red)x=OX,x/√0. Therefore