○ Historically, scientists used to describe electron motion around
the nucleus as "orbits." However, this classical picture is
inadequate for understanding atomic behavior.
○ In reality, electrons do not follow circular orbits like planets
around the Sun. Instead, they occupy regions of space called
○ Orbitals describe the probability distribution of finding an
electron at a particular location around the nucleus.
○ The Schrödinger equation provides the mathematical framework
for calculating these orbitals and energy levels.
4. Finite Atomic Radius:
○ Even though there are infinite energy levels, the distance between
each level becomes progressively shorter as n increases.
○ Eventually, the energy levels become so closely spaced that they
effectively merge into a continuous energy spectrum.
○ The concept of an atomic radius arises from the region where
the electron probability is significant. Beyond this region, the
electron's influence diminishes.
○ When the electron reaches an energy level close to infinity, the
atom loses it, and the atom becomes an ion.
In summary, while the notion of infinite energy levels exists theoretically, only
a finite set of energy levels is practically relevant for most atomic systems. The
behavior of electrons is better described by orbitals rather than classical orbits.
If you'd like to explore this topic further, there are excellent resources
available, including videos and online courses1 5. �
1. Understanding Quantum Mechanics #7: Atomic Energy Levels
2. Atomic Energy Levels | Quantum physics | Physics | Khan Academy
3. Infinite number of energy levels in the H atom - CHEMISTRY COMMUNITY
4. How can the potential energy at the infinite energy level in an atom be ...
5. Energy levels of hydrogen as $n$ goes to infinity
6. https://brilliant.org/Sabine/
7. https://arxiv.org/abs/1504.05580
8. https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract