Preeclampsia is associated with an increased rate of
very low neonatal birth weight, as high as 50%, and
the risk of neonatal death is up to 11 times greater than
that of patients without preeclampsia (5). Several risk
factors for preeclampsia have been described, some of
which are present before the index pregnancy (chronic
hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and previous pree-
clampsia), while others are linked to it (multiple gesta-
tion, assisted reproduction therapies, antiphospholipid
syndrome, and male fetal sex) (1,2–9). In recent years,
blood A and B antigens (blood groups A and B) have
been implicated in the pathophysiology of preeclamp-
sia. The various pathological mechanisms include the
following: a) an increase in von Willebrand factor,
whose prothrombotic activity triggers or exacerbates
pathophysiological events related to the disease (10),
b) a reduction in the placental protein PP13 (11–13),
and c) an increase in E-selectin, tumor necrosis factor-
alpha, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 bioavail-
ability (12). The pathological mechanism of preeclamp-
sia in blood group O is unclear. Despite this biological
linkage, relevant studies have shown contradictory
results. Some studies have shown an increased risk in
patients of blood groups AB (11,12-14–18), A (14),
B (19), and O (20,21), while others did not find any
association (22–24). A consistent association would
make it possible to easily categorize those women at
risk since the determination of ABO groups is part of
the routine clinical practice of primary pregnancy care.
This study aimed to determine the association
between ABO blood groups and preeclampsia in
a Mexican population. This information may contri-
bute to the identification of patients at a high risk of
preeclampsia during the planning stage of pregnancy or
at the first antenatal visit to allow for the implementa-
tion of preventive and treatment interventions against
Design, patients, and procedures
This case-control study was conducted between 2017 and
2020 in mestizo patients from northeastern Mexico. Cases
comprised patients diagnosed with preeclampsia/eclampsia
by certified gynecologists who followed national and inter-
national guidelines: hypertension after the 20th week of
gestation and proteinuria. In the absence of the latter, they
considered signs of systemic severity such as thrombocyto-
penia and liver, kidney, or neurological dysfunction (n =
253) (25,26). The control group included patients who did
not meet the diagnostic criteria for preeclampsia (n = 457).
Cases and controls who visited our institution for the first
antenatal visit before the 20th week of pregnancy were
consecutively enrolled. Six eligible cases and 49 eligible
controls were excluded because information on blood
group type and other variables was unavailable. An initial
sample size of 186 cases and 372 controls was calculated
based on an odds ratio of 2.42 (for group AB) (15),
a percentage of exposure in cases of 12.9%, and statistical
power of 80%. The final sample was composed of 253 cases
and 457 controls, increasing the statistical power to 87.3%.
The protocol adhered to the institutional, national, and
international standards and regulations on research ethics
and was authorized by the Local Ethics and Research
Committee No. 1912 of the Mexican Institute of Social
Security (approval number R-2018-1912-021). All data
were recorded anonymously, respecting the confidentiality
of the patients. Since the information necessary for the
study was collected only from electronic medical records,
informed consent was not required from patients.
Study variables
The following clinical data were collected: systolic and
diastolic blood pressure at the first antenatal visit (first
trimester), history of gestational diabetes, and gestational
weight gain (weight difference between the last and first
antenatal visit). Obstetrical data included the number of
pregnancies, inter-pregnancy interval in multiparous
women, current multiple pregnancy, number of antenatal
visits, fetal sex, and gestational age at the last antenatal visit.
Medical history data included a history of preeclampsia/
eclampsia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, pre-pregnancy
overweight/obesity (body mass index≥25 kg/m
), and
aspirin use during pregnancy. Sociodemographic data
included information on maternal age, education, and
occupation. Neonatal data included the gestational age,
birth weight, and one- and five-minute Apgar scores.
Laboratory data included the blood group type and Rh
factor. Blood groups were determined using the hemagglu-
tination technique. All data were collected from electronic
medical records. The mean arterial pressure was calculated
from the systolic and diastolic blood pressures using the
following formula: ([systolic blood pressure - diastolic
blood pressure/3] + diastolic blood pressure).
Data analysis
Measures of central tendency and dispersion were esti-
mated for quantitative variables and proportions for
categorical variables. Cases and controls were com-
pared using the Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis
test, or chi-square test, depending on the scale of the
variable. Univariate and multivariate odds ratios (OR)