French Greetings and Farewells

Telechargé par nburleson
Lesson Plan: Greetings and Farewells in French
(45-50 minute Lesson) Can be adjusted per class time
Subject: World Language French
Date and Day:
Cognitive Objective: SWBAT identify and reproduce
French greetings and farewells, including correct
pronunciation by performing a short dialogue with a
partner at the end of class.
Affective Objective: SWBAT propose ideas via a
journal as to why it might be important to learn about
body language of other cultures in addition to spoken
Relevance of today’s lesson to the unit as well as to the previous class:
This lesson will be students’ initial introduction to the French language.
Product Technologies:
Beach ball or soft object to throw
Blow up dice (possibly 6 depending
on class size)
Slide show (provided)
Practice worksheet (Provided)
Idea Technologies:
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Kolb’s Learning Styles
ACTFL Professional Standards:
Level: Novice Low
SPEAKING: Given adequate time and
familiar cues the Novice Low Sublevel
may be able to exchange greetings,
give their identity, and name a
number of familiar objects from their
immediate environment.
WRITING: Given adequate time and
familiar cues, they can reproduce
from memory a very limited number
of isolated words or familiar phrases,
but errors are to be expected.
LISTENING: Listeners are able to
occasionally recognize isolated word
or very high frequency phrases when
those are strongly supported by
READING: Readers are occasionally
able to identify high-frequency words
or phrases when supported by
Anticipatory Set (5-7 minutes)
A beach ball or a soft object that the students can safely throw to one another will be needed
Students will stand in a circle and the instructor will model how to say “Hello, my name is…” in French. Next, a ball will
be introduced to the circle and upon receiving the ball, students must say hello and introduce themselves in French.
(Bonjour, je m’appelle…) After everyone has introduced themselves, the instructor will then model how to say goodbye
in French. When the student receives the ball again, they must say “Au revoir” and depart the circle to return to their
seat for the next activity.
Whole Class Discussion - Questions to ask: (5 minutes)
How have you been taught to introduce yourself to someone for the first time. (Show a slide with three alternative
pictures of possible answers)
How would you interrupt someone when you need assistance? (Show a slide with three alternative pictures of
possible answers)
After introducing yourself to someone, what is another polite question that you could ask to break the ice when
meeting someone new?
-- Give possible incorrect and correct answers if students are struggling.
∙ (What year is it, what is your best friends name, how are you?) -- Looking for “How are you” in order to transition into
responses to this question in French.
Working Alone and in a Group: (15 minutes): (Teacher Guided)
1. Students will be shown 2 slides with positive and negative responses to the question “How are you?” in
French (Ca va?)
2. They will repeat after the instructor to practice speaking.
3. After some repetition, students will form a circle in the front of the room to practice the phrases. (Depending
on the size of your class, this should be done in small groups of 6-8)
4. (Teacher will need several large blow up dice - Print pictures from Slide 5 of the Powerpoint and tape them to
the dice so that each of the 6 sides has a different expression) Each student in the small groups must be given
a chance to roll the dice. The teacher will start the conversation with “Ca va?” and the student with the dice
must roll and depending on the emoji face that it lands on, they must express in French what it means. (The
slides will still be on the board for support) That student must then ask “Ca va” and pass the dice to another
student to roll. Each student will take a turn asking “ca va?” and responding after having rolled the dice. After
each student has had a turn, we will attempt to remove the slides from the board to practice utilizing the
phrases without support. -- Repeat the game
Working in pairs: (10-15 minutes): Students will create a very short dialogue utilizing the phrases that they have
been practicing. Phrases that we’ve practiced will be on the board for support. (Slide 6 of the Powerpoint)
Presentation of short dialogue: (5-7 minutes): Students will come to the front of the class (if comfortable) and
perform their short dialogue. This is simply a check for understanding that students are pronouncing words correctly
and can briefly interact with a partner utilizing key phrases of introduction correctly.
If students are too apprehensive, the instructor will approach students at random and to see if they are able to respond
to the simple phrases that we have practiced.
Check for Understanding: (5-7 minutes)
Questions for the instructor to pose
How do you introduce yourself in French? (Bonjour, Je m’appelle…)
How would you respond if someone asks you “ça va”? (ça va bien or ça va mal)
How would you say goodbye?
What is a negative response to ça va?
What is a positive response to ça va?
Reflection/ Closing ticket: (5 minutes):
Why is it important to learn about other cultures and how they communicate?
Allow them to write, or verbalize their responses to this - If you typically utilize journal writing, this is a great
time to utilize journal time for a response.
Formative Assessment Instruments: (e.g., homework, quizzes, etc.) Summative Evaluations (e.g, projects, tests,
presentations, etc.): Relate assessment instruments to daily objectives and/or unit goals:
Worksheet provided on slide 13 of the Powerpoint. Can be printed right from the slide.
Enrichment Procedures/Independent Work/Accommodations/I.E.P. (for the class or individual student, as
Worksheet provided on slide 13 of the Powerpoint. Can be used as enrichment or homework
Student Reactions & Accomplishments (Relate directly to daily objectives and/or unit goals, when appropriate):
Students Need Additional Work On:
Student Teacher’s Modifications for the Future:
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French Greetings and Farewells

Telechargé par nburleson
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