Cycle Test Term 1
Cycle Tests are an opportunity to show your teachers what you have learnt, and to
apply your knowledge. I would encourage you to use this time to apply your
knowledge and benefit from all of your hard work this term. Please note that the
Cycle Tests cover modules 1-8 and you will be able to access Module 9 (the Cycle
Test) once you have completed all of them (including 8).
To make sure that we are all prepared, here is a planner to assist you.
General Tips:
1. Planning
- Write a list of each course, and how many hours you need to study for each
module being covered.
- By using an online calendar on your computer, or using a paper based
calendar, you can start to pencil in the time that you are going to focus on
each course so that you have enough time to prepare.
- By planning ahead, you know what your week (or day) looks like. When you
start your morning, you will know exactly what you need to complete
before you can relax. By the time you have completed your to-do-list, you
can find peace knowing that you are on track. If you start your day and
focus on what first comes to mind, you may find yourself feeling extremely
anxious about Cycle Tests because things have piled up.
2. Routine:
- Decide what time you want to wake up, to eat, be seated at your desk, and
what time you want your day to end.
- At each of these times, set an alarm to help you keep track of time.
- Choose something fun to do at the end of the day once you have
completed your to-do-list, that you can look forward to and work towards.
3. Coping with stress:
- Often when we see the amount of work that needs to be done, we can start
to feel overwhelmed. By breaking down your list into daily tasks, it can
allow you to focus on the present moment.
- When you are feeling tired, anxious, distracted or overwhelmed: get up, go
for a quick walk around your house/garden and get a cold glass of water. By
leaving your room, and getting your blood flowing - you allow yourself to
have a mental break.
- Once you start getting into your work, and ticking off your list, you will start
to feel this stress minimise.