This tutorial has been designed to give the reader an understanding of the
different methods that can be used to model a ship‟s hull in Rhino through a series of pre-
designed offsets. These offsets are produced from when the hull form is portrayed
graphically by the lines plan (see: Introduction to Naval Architecture). This shows the
various curves of intersection between the hull and the three sets of orthogonal planes. In
merchant ships the transverse sections are numbered from aft to forward. In Warships
(U.S.) they are numbered from forward to aft. The distances of the various intersection
points from the middle line plane are called offsets. There are a various ways to complete
this modeling task and in no way does this tutorial purport to be the best way. It will
however introduce some techniques, developing a useable skill set in surface modeling.
In this case, the body plane was scanned and offset points were created with a piece of
software called SHCP (Ship Hull Characteristic Program). This is a very fast, albeit
inaccurate way to create a table of offsets. Techniques will be introduced to help align
these inaccuracies and solve the problem of the “sloppy offsets”.
This tutorial will lead the reader through the following steps to complete the
modeling of the ship‟s hull:
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2
1. Generating the Offsets ................................................................................................ 4
2. Generating a Rhino Points Cloud ............................................................................... 6
3. Generating Station Curves .......................................................................................... 8
4. Refining the Curves .................................................................................................. 10
5. Introducing Special Features ..................................................................................... 15
6. Generating the Main Hull Body ................................................................................ 17
7. Generating Waterlines .............................................................................................. 20
8. Generating Bow & Stern Surfaces ............................................................................ 23
9. Mirror the Hull .......................................................................................................... 31