much better target, or even one month. Many people forget to replace their contacts as frequently as
they should, which later leads to more serious problems in the eyes, such as irritation, ulcers, or
Use protective eyewear when working with strong chemicals or you are in an area where airborne
particles may pose a danger to your eyes. Many people have sustained eye injuries while doing
woodworking projects or being outdoors during very windy weather. You should also wear goggles
when swimming in chlorinated water.
To diminish puffy eyes, use slices of raw potato. Cut the potato into half circles and place over your
closed eyes. If you prefer, you can grate the potato and place in some Muslin cloth, then squeeze
excess liquid out and place on closed eyes. Leave either on for 15-20 minutes for best effect.
If you use eye drops to sooth your eyes because allergens irritate them, you should use them
sparingly. Even though they give relief, they could possible cause other problems. Should they not
offer the right amount of relief, see your eye doctor about other, more effective options.
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Do not use the same makeup for more Eye Care than a few months. The reason is that bacteria
builds up when you keep the same makeup. After a couple of months, you are just rubbing bacteria
around your eyes. This can be very damaging.
While sunglasses are helpful for protecting your eyes from the sun's UV rays, it may also be wise to
wear a wide-brimmed hat. Wearing this kind of hat prevents any UV rays from reaching your whole
face, including your eyes. So, if you know you will be outdoors for a long period of time, wear this
kind of hat.
Bring a bottle of eye drops to work or school, especially if you are working in front of a computer
screen all day. Apply several eye drops to each eye to help restore moisture so that there is a barrier
between your eyes and the external elements that can cause irritation, soreness and dryness.
Make sure you are getting adequate sleep every night. Every part of your body rests and repairs
itself while you are sleeping, and your eyes are no different. You can feel that your eyes are tired
and feel strained in the morning when you are only able to get a few hours of sleep the night before.
Get a dilated eye exam regularly. When your eyes are dilated, your eye doctor can see inside your
eye and detect any problems with the tissues behind your eyes. Common eye problems like
glaucoma often produce no signs of warning until a person's vision is impaired. A dilated eye exam
can detect that early.
Consume large amounts of Vitamin C to improve the blood flow around your eyes. Vitamin C can
also aid in cell regeneration so that it takes a longer time for your eyes to become sore and irritated.
Strawberries, papayas, kiwi, guava and dark leafy greens are some foods that contain a rich quantity
of this vitamin.
As you can see, taking care of your eyes requires several different things. Read over these tips
carefully. Collect the information that is most relevant to your situation. Then, put these suggestions
into practice. You will help to keep your eyes safe and protected now and for many years to come.
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