writing a short story worksheet

Telechargé par yousra elassoui
Teacher: Noura El Ghzaouna / Level: 2 Bac / Unit 2: Humour/ Writing a story
Activity 1: In pairs, put the following story is in the right order:
A/ Then, he asked the students to punctuate the sentence correctly.
B/ The teacher read what all of us wrote and said finally: thats why punctuation is important
D/ Last year, our teacher of English wrote on the board: woman without her man is nothing.
C/ The girls wrote: Woman, without her, man is nothing.
C/ The boys wrote: Woman, without her man, is nothing.
Activity 2: Read the story in your textbook (P: 30) and complete the table.
When? (Time)
Ex: last year, last month, in my
childhood, when I was 10 years
Where? (Place)
Ex: At home, at school, in the street,
in another city/village
Who was involved?
Ex: Me alone, with: my friend, my
family, my classmates.
What happened?
(Main events)
Activity 4: Use the information in (Activity 3) to write a short paragraph about your incident.
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