Because the global business activity is so diverse, many types of safeguards and laws were
required. Consumer protection legislation is an example of a weapon used by law
enforcement agencies to prohibit deceptive or unfair actions. Providing guarantees on
products is also one of the tools consumers may use to protect themselves from being tricked
and dumped with low-quality or damaged goods (Nebbia, 2012). Furthermore, criminalizing
and prohibiting misleading advertising and pricing is also a kind of client protection to keep
them from being a victim of unethical company activities.
The rule of law is required to counteract the negative consequences of uncontrolled
commerce and business on the planet and its health, environmental destruction, and labor
exploitation. Guiding laws and rules also give clear standards, credit approval criteria, and
anticipated ethical conduct to the private sector. Regulatory authorities, such as the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), regulate waste disposal, greenhouse emission
reduction, and pollution management to maintain ethical sustainable practices (Davis, 2021).
In terms of legal corporate social responsibility (CSR), there is a clear relationship
between company activity and law, implying that businesses must adhere to laws and
regulations. Corporations must be completely informed of the legal system. Most crucially,
lawful CSR requires corporations to neither breach the law nor engage in criminal activities
for their selfish gain. In terms of environmental CSR, corporations should be aware of their
responsibility to conserve and develop the environment, which plays an important role in
society's benefit. Several minor but significant tasks may be undertaken, such as minimizing
toxic materials in manufacturing and services, creating green workplaces, conserving water
and energy, and limiting waste.