20 des idées de projets IoT pour les débutants en 2022

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Top 20 des idées de projets IoT pour les débutants en
Dernière mise à jour : 28 avril 2022
L'IoT devrait passer de 8,74 milliards en 2020 à plus de 13 milliards en 2023, selon le
département de recherche de Statista. Ainsi, 2021 est le bon moment pour apprendre et se
lancer dans l'IoT. Les avancées émergentes dans le domaine de l'Internet des objets ou
IoT changent inévitablement la donne. Aujourd'hui, l'IoT est visible presque partout, sur
des appareils de toutes formes et de toutes tailles, des appareils électroménagers aux
voitures en passant par les appareils portables. Bientôt, la technologie IoT est sur le point
de perturber plusieurs autres industries.
Mais qu'est-ce que l'IoT exactement ? Eh bien, tout appareil doté d'un interrupteur
marche/arrêt, qui peut être utilisé pour collecter, transmettre et partager des données sur
Internet, relève de l'Internet des objets.
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Top 20 des projets IoT pour les débutants en 2022
Commencez à maîtriser les compétences les plus demandées
Ces idées de projets IoT simples et sympas sont pour vous si
1. Vous avez récemment découvert l'IoT et ses possibilités infinies et aspirez à
contribuer ou à faire partie de cette technologie en constante évolution.
2. Vous souhaitez commencer à travailler sur des projets IoT réels.
3. Vous recherchez des projets basés sur l'IoT utilisant Arduino, des projets basés sur
l'IoT utilisant Raspberry Pi ou des projets basés sur l'IoT pour les étudiants de
dernière année.
Dans ce blog, nous allons explorer les 20 meilleures idées de projets IoT pour les
débutants en 2021. Ces projets IoT simples sont intéressants et pertinents dans les
situations actuelles de Covid-19. Sans plus tarder, commençons.
Top 20 des projets IoT pour les débutants en 2022
1) Système de surveillance de la santé à distance pour les patients
COVID-19 - IoT dans les soins de santé
Problem: Our world today is fighting against a global enemy, Coronavirus disease or
Covid-19. The virus which causes Covid-19 transmits via droplets produced by an infected
person sneezing, coughing, or exhaling.
If you are a healthcare worker or a caregiver, you are at risk of catching the virus as you
will be in close contact with the patient. This is where Remote patient monitoring or RPM
IoT project idea finds its application. RPM is essentially a way of gathering medical data
outside of conventional healthcare facilities. But it is not easy for all to set up an advanced
Remote Patient Monitoring system at home. And this IoT project aims to provide an
affordable solution for the same.
Solution: This is a cost-effective and easy-to-build automated RPM system. The device
requires the person to stand near the non-contact temperature sensor, then the caregiver
or the medical personnel presses the start button, and the device will collect and log the
measurements (including date and time) into Google sheets. Further, we can send the
data to doctors so that they can monitor them from anywhere.
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This IoT Project Can Be Very Helpful For
Caregivers or someone who is sharing space with a patient
Patients living in remote villages areas who do not have easy access to advance
healthcare facilities
2) Get Notified About Covid-19 Vaccine Availability in CoWin – IoT in
Problem: Many countries are still battling with Covid-19. The number of Novel
Coronavirus infections is rising to set new records daily. India has become one of the
three most Covid-19 affected countries in the world. India is among the top three Covid-
19-affected countries in the world as of May 2021. The Indian government, on the other
hand, is struggling to bring vaccines to its population. People are unable to book slots in
the Cowin App, due to the limited availability of vaccines and heavy website traffic.
Solution: This is a hardware device that notifies users when a vaccine slot is available.
Now note that this project is built upon an API used by the Indian Government on the
official website to check the availability of vaccine slots. This is a simple yet interesting
IoT project for beginners. The Arduino program written in this project will collect data
and notify users when a vaccine slot is available in CoWin.
This IoT Project Can Be Very Helpful For
Indian citizens who are struggling to book vaccine slots
3) Smoke Detecting IoT Device Using Gas Sensor – IoT Home Safety
Problem: Prevention is always better than cure. And when it comes to fire, preventive
measure is an absolute necessity Fire is a destructive force that can easily spread and
inflict unthinkable harm to property, health, and even lives. That’s why we should install
fire safety components in the household as well as the work environment.
Solution: Smoke Detecting IoT device is built to detect inflammable gases and to alert
you so that you can act immediately to control or stop the fire from breaking out. With the
help of Arduino, an MQ-2 Smoke detection sensor, a breadboard, some jumper wires, a
resistor, two LEDs, and a buzzer, one can easily build this IoT project.
This IoT Project Can Be Very Helpful For
Home or work environment safety
4) Remote Plant Monitor – IoT Home Automation
Problem: Keeping houseplants alive is a major challenge for many of these amid the
hectic schedule all day.
Solution: This IoT project will check if the soil is dry and will alert you when the plant
needs watering. The project has two parts. The first part consists of the moisture sensing
system, which detects when the soil becomes dry. Once the system detects dry soil, it will
send a signal to the second part of the project. The second part has a flag on a servo motor
and limit switch. So, as soon as the signal reaches the second part, the servo motor switch
gets triggered, and the flag starts rising to notify you about the issue.
This IoT Project Can Be Very Helpful For
Anyone who has houseplants and wants to develop a smart plant monitoring device
5) Smart Door Lock System – IoT Home Automation
1 / 19 100% 20 des idées de projets IoT pour les débutants en 2022

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