ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 4, August 2020 : xx - xx
The industrial plant is an island electrical network without any conection with external grid source
The electricity demand is met by on-site generation, it also compromises four (4) Gas turbine generators 4x 35,
325 MW at 40°C, and provides the necessary electrical power for the normal needs.
In addition to these, an emergency electrical supply system is provided to ensure continuity of operation of
essential and vital equipment following the failure of normal plant electrical supply and for
black start of gas turbines.
This emergency system is based on the concept of four (4) diesel generators supplying a medium voltage (6.6
kV) distribution system feeding the selected emergency loads through medium voltage and low voltage
switchgears located in each substation.
ETAP 20.0.1 simulation software, is used for the modeling of Industrial Power System. The electrical system
Modelling was initiated on the basis of the informations gathered from technical characteristics and primary
electrical equipment rating making capacity, transformer technical data sheets, medium and low voltage
motors and circuit breakers data, and protective Devices files relay settings, its graphic representation began
in a single-line diagram. Figure 1 shows only a portion of the single-line diagram extracted from the
simulation software and used for the study case.
The protective devices coordination study is carried out with also the help of specialized ETAP software,
considering the short circuit current values obtained from the short circuit study results, that allow to
determine the fuses breaking current, the circuit breaker trigger points settings and relays settings required, in
order to have properly coordinated protection feeders and incoming circuits, in accordance with the most
widely accepted practices.
This phenomenon is known as a sympathetic tripping of the protection, wich occurs in reason of the
contribution of the distribution generation (synchronous generators) to the sustained short-circuit current in
adjacent feeder connected in the same switchgear. [3]
An example is shown in Figure 2,
In order to show its impact to the protective devices coordination, a simulation of a sympathetic tripping is
performed, Figure 3 shows a portion of a typical complex single line diagram, wich is used for the study