AspinwaU's characteristics of goods theory provides the link between
pruchasing process and the marketing characteristics of products. He
incorporates the convenience-shopping goods dichotomy on a color
continuum from "red goods" to "yellow goods". Red goods are similar to
convenience goods in having a high replacement rate, low search time, low
time of consumption and low gross margin. Yellow goods are associated to
shipping goods and have the opposite characteristics, with an infinite
number of gradations between red and yellow. 8 Aspinwall's contribution
is in associating red and yellow goods to marketing strategy. He develops
a normative marketing mix for red goods by stating that the further the
product is on the red part of the continuum, the more intensive will be the
distribution process and the greater will be the reliance on advertising.
Conversely, yellow goods should be distributed selectively with greater
reliance on personal selling. Miracle extended this definition to incorporate
a broader set of marketing mix characteristics such as product variety,
price control, and rate of technological change. 9 But even with this
important association of classification theory to the marketing mix, there
is still no allowance for variations based on the consumer's decision
processes. The need remains to establish a link between the marketing
characteristics of a product and the consumer's brand choice characteris-
tics in evaluating that product.
Howard and Sheth's consumer decision typology provides the link.
Howard and Sheth define routinized response behavior primarily as
routinization of the decision process characterized by lack of stimulus
ambiguity, structured choice criteria, fewer alternatives, and greater buyer
confidence. Yet most important, they recognize that routinization is
established in shopping behavior as well:
Although our focus is on brand choice behavior, the buyer also
simplifies the total sequence of behavior necessary to make a
purchase-going to the store, looking at the products, paying at the
counter, and so forth-by reducing the number of steps and ordering
them in a definite way. The greater the Attitude, the more the
simplification of total buying behavior, hence
the greater the
routinization of his purchase.
(Italics mine). I o
Both routinized response behavior and convenience goods are thus
characterized by routinized shopping behavior, providing a direct link
between the two typologies.
The Howard-Sheth typology is also related to the marketing