Défi de Conditionnement Physique
Push-ups: a conditioning
exercise performed in a prone
position by raising and lowering
the body with the straightening
and bending of the arms while
keeping the back straight and
supporting the body on the
hands and toes. If you cannot
get your elbows and shoulders
to make a straight line, try
modifying the push-up. To do
this, drop to your knees.
However, your back should still
remain straight.
The Challenge: Pick a push-up
amount listed in the box.
Complete the given amount of
push-ups, then color that
section in. When you have
completely colored the picture
in, return it to your P.E. teacher
to be entered into a drawing on
Top (tall push-up position): Shoes = 1 Socks = 3 Legs = 5 Shorts = 10 Shirt = 10 Arms = 13 Head = 15
Bottom (low push-up position): Shoes = 3 Socks = 5 Legs = 7 Shorts = 10 Shirt = 13 Arms = 15 Head = 20
The more you do them properly, the better you get.
Name: _______________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date turned in: ____________