introduction ............................ .............................................. ...................... 3
1. Modeling nanostructure in an optical frequency range ...... ..7
2. Waveguide array ..................... .. ...................... 18
3. The antenna array of antennas Vivaldi .................................... ... 33
4. The antenna array on the dipole antenna ............................ ... 43
5. Modeling of the frequency-selective surface ................... ... 60
6. Falling plane wave the object and the calculation of RCS ........................ ... 74
7. Calculation EPR object the size of a large electric .......... ...... ... 90
8. Bandpass waveguide filter ........................................... ... .100
9. accounting facilities heating temperature in the HFSS-13 ...........................
116 10.Realizatsiya adjustment mode in HFSS-13 ............................... ... 126
11. ModelingConnector ................................................. ... 132
12. Antenna, mounted on the mast ........................................ ... 141
13. Calculationtemporal process in a microwave integrated circuit .. ............ ... 148
14. Analysis horn antenna in the time domain ........................ .171
15. Design of nanoscale LED modules using electrodynamic simulation
programs ........................... ... 191
16. installationcalculating a distributed configuration on multiple computers
........................................................................... ..220
Conclusion ........................................................................... .239 References
............................................................... ............ .240
About the authors:
Banks Sergey E.- Doctor of Science, Ch. Scien. et al. IRE. RTF graduated from the
Moscow Energy Institute in 1981, graduate in 1986. A specialist in the field of
microwave equipment and antennas, an expert in the field of microwave CAD. The
author of several monographs, textbooks, 150 scientific articles and 20 patents.
Guttsayt Eduard Mihaylovich- Professor of Department. "Light" MEI, RTF
graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute. Author of books and monographs in
the field of microwave electronics and lighting. The initiator of the introduction of
the achievements of microwave technology in nanotechnology.
Kurushin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich- Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department.
AUiRRV MEI. RTF graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute in 1979,
graduate in 1985 Ph.D. (1991), thesis "Design of transistor microwave amplifiers
with high dynamic range." Since 1996, he taught in various aspects of microwave
MIEM, MIREA and MEI. The author of 12 textbooks and 70 scientific articles.