● Long Term impacts of Gingivitis
If you notice these symptoms, visit a Dentist Near Me as earlier as possible.
If gingivitis is left untreated for long periods of time, may cause deep pockets between the
gums and the teeth. As a result, you may experience Periodontitis. When a person goes
through such kinds of situations, their teeth can be loosened and fall out.
Gingivitis treatment:
In the process of treating gingivitis, a dentist must thoroughly examine and clean both the
gums and the teeth. The process generally does not cause pain, discomfort, and
inflammation and usually disappears after one or two weeks if the patient maintains proper
oral hygiene care along with cleaning. This process generally includes brushing, flossing,
and using an anti-bacterial rinse or mouthwash.
Preventing Gingivitis:
The best and most effective way to prevent gingivitis is to brush and floss the teeth on
regular basis. Additionally, there is a strong link between adequate calcium ingestion and the
prevention of periodontal disease. Experts believe that calcium plays a major part to make
the alveolar bone that holds the teeth stronger.
Other causes and risk factors:
Changes in hormones:
Such a condition may arise during puberty, menopause, the menstrual cycle, and
pregnancy. The gingiva may become more sensitive heightening the risk of inflammation.